


10-31-2013, 08:09 PM

'Do you really believe that Sen?' ?I don't know,? she would murmur. But I'd try until I died. In all honestly she doubted she'd ever have the same amount of pull on Isardis that she'd once had, but there was a chance that he could grow to love and trust her again if she could only talk Taurig into releasing her. It wasn't as if she were a prisoner, she'd simply been claimed. There was a difference, wasn't there? Surely there was. But those thoughts ceased as their conversation traveled to a far more tranquil subject. He seemed confident - almost too confident - and she wondered if it was his youth that made him feel so powerful against his sire. Sure, he'd stood up against a simple maim, but did he truly know his father's strength? Sendoa knew that she didn't even know the strength of Isardis - no one could fully measure it. ?It's hard for anyone to prepare to knowingly butt heads with their own sire. I trust you knew what you were doing, but I'll never be sure you fully anticipated the consequences.? Had he understood what risks he'd taken on by bowling her over? Not only could she have attacked him or even killed him, but now he would likely have a bounty on his head. He would certainly at the very least be put on the top of Isardis' hit list - if not worse. Did he understand the weight of all of this? She sighed. ?But alas, we can breathe for today at least. I know he won't have regathered his strength so quickly - even if the siege has ended.? She gazed at him, emerald eyes meeting topaz. ?Our time together may be limited, let's make the most of it. Show me your home, Taur.?
