
Stars in her eyes

Taly <3


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
09-11-2023, 12:10 PM

As the silhouette moved towards the towering bed adorned in white sheer curtains, the features of her older sister Talyssa slowly came into view. She hadn’t spoken to her sister much, but she knew who she was given their pack shared a lot of suppers together. She had always thought Talyssa to be strong, beautiful, and someone she could look up to. But given their age gap, Clove hadn’t found the courage to approach her on her own just yet.

Tonight, that would all change.

A shy, pup-like smile spread across her face when Taly turned to look at her, saying her name to confirm her younger sister’s presence. Clove’s tail softly wagged behind her as Taly approached her and opened the door to invite her inside. “Oh, hello Taly!” She hummed, outwardly excited to be around her big sister. It was so different than being with her littermates, who were rambunctious and full of energy. Unlike them, Taly carried an aura of maturity because she was older, and Clove admired it.

Taking careful steps, Clove walked through the towering doors and into her sister’s room, shifting her gaze around to admire the decor and furnishings. Her gaze settled on the maps scattered across the room, and a look of awe overtook her face. The world was so much bigger than she thought! But what piqued her curiosity more than the maps, was the large, floor-to-ceiling windows that revealed the night sky. “I couldn’t sleep.” She said in response to Taly stating they should be asleep by now. “I can’t stop thinking about exploring stuff." She figured it was a normal thing, and didn’t dwell too much on it. But if losing sleep because she couldn't stop daydreaming started to become an everyday occurrence, she would need to address it with mother and father.

After Taly settled herself on her bed, Clove lept up to take a seat beside her. She was turned towards the windows, eyes wide and alit with child-like wonder. The sky was absolutely beautiful, scattered with what looked like fireflies only they didn’t move around like bugs did. They twinkled and formed patterns, encircling a crescent moon to create a beautiful array of twinkling light. "When dad took me to the wildberry grove, I was so excited." She explained, unable to take her eyes away from the sky. “I wanna know what’s out there. I wanna explore and find new things, and bring those things home for everyone to enjoy.” A disruption in the sky caught her attention, causing her to lean forward on her haunches with a gasp. “Oh, did you see that!?” She exclaimed, a bit louder than she meant to. A shimmer of light shot across the sky before vanishing into the distance, making an appearance for only a few seconds. She had never seen a shooting star before and hoped Talyssa had been looking out the window too and saw the phenomenon.

"Clove Carpathius"
Code by Shelby

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1. Stars in her eyes Amron's Castle 09:21 PM, 09-10-2023 08:54 PM, 11-25-2023