
Saxe Adopts

looking for some heathens to run around with Sephiran



Easter Egg Hunt 2023
09-11-2023, 01:48 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2024, 10:21 AM by Aislyn. Edited 12 times in total.)

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I am looking to expand the Saxe family by adopting out some siblings to  Sephiran, and distant family members, such as cousins, half-uncles, half-aunts, etc. Distant relatives will be UTP [up to player] as you will have free reign regarding their appearances, how they tie into the family, etc.

There are three predetermined, full-blooded siblings I would love to adopt out! The possibility of half-siblings [sharing Apollyon as the father] is also available.

There will be two adoption forms to follow, as they are based on whether you are applying for a full-blooded sibling, or a distant family member. The pre-adoption and post-adoption guidelines apply to both types of adoptions. Please see those sections below for more information.

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Given the environment that these characters lived in, their alignment spectrum will typically run anywhere between neutral - chaotic evil. It is very uncommon to see anything beyond neutral, but not completely impossible, and would most likely be embedded into distant relatives who did not live in Saffron (Sephiran's homeland). These characters are meant to participate in tight familial bonds that reign over other elements in their lives. Betrayal against those who share their blood is extremely rare and punishable by other members of the family IC. That being said, I would like these characters to follow/aid Sephiran and their other family members in their pursuit to build a new kingdom.

Common personality traits could include but are not limited to: apathetic, analytical, arrogant, assertive, barbaric, bloodthirsty, bold, calculative, compulsive, cruel, crude, cynical, deceitful, destructive, domineering, greedy, gluttonous, ignorant, haughty, intelligent, morbid, narcissistic, obsessive, observant, prejudiced, predatory, provocative, reactive, revengeful, reckless. sadistic, scornful, thievish, vindictive.

*Basically, these characters are some damn heathens.*

Character activity and participation are very appreciated. Although I will not ask for a hard requirement, I would like each character to complete at least one thread per month [3-5 posts on average a month]. If you feel that you cannot meet this level of activity please reach out to me. LOA notices are always respected. I do reserve the right to reclaim the character should it fall inactive, or if the player no longer has interest/muse for them.

These characters may not be killed off without reasonable cause, and only after they have reached 150 posts. I do not want these characters to serve as scapegoats should the player lose interest in them. I would much rather take them back and readopt them out to another player.


Full-blooded siblings [three available]:
The second-born male, third-born female, and fourth-born female. These three characters would have spent the first year of their life with Sephrian and their elder siblings beneath their father’s rule. They would have been a tight-knit bunch, greatly admired by their mother and father, and would have received similar training in all fields.

Azaria (mother) would have taught them about herbal remedies, forging items, etc. Apollyon (father) would have contrasted her calmer nature with chaotic tendencies, pushing the litter to follow in the paw steps of an ideal Saxe. This would have included vigorous training, blood-sportage, and violence, as he would have branded his narcissistic ideals into them. Here are their designs for reference if you would like to create your own:  Apollyon &  Azaria.

Please use the form below if you would like to apply for one of these siblings:


Other relatives [unlimited available]:

These characters can be any other type of family member, including but not limited to: half-siblings, first cousins, second cousins, half-uncles, half-aunts, etc. You can decide where they came from, their backgrounds, how close they are to the main branch, etc. If they did not come from the Saffron, they will still have an innate familial bond with the current Saxe wolves in play. Most other details are UTP [up to player.] Please use the form below if you would like to apply for a distant family member:

For available designs, please click [HERE]. You are also welcome to make your own!