
Work it Out


10-31-2013, 08:30 PM

The women were practically polar opposites in appearance, save for the one similarity which was there pools of green. The woman rallied against Sendoa's snarky remark, and instead commented on the uniqueness of her name. Well, that was small talk if she'd ever heard it. The once-Sentinel snorted, taking in the golden one's name.. Maija. That wasn't exactly common either, was it? ?Can't say I've ever heard a name like yours either,? she would remark with no special meaning. A darkness clouded her eyes as she fought to keep emotions from flooding to the surface. It usually wasn't such a struggle, but given her stressful situation it was much more difficult than usual. It seemed Maija was intent upon simple talk of two strangers, and so Sendoa would oblige her for the time being. ?Have you been in Tortuga long?? It wasn't as if Sendoa actually cared, it was merely something to do - something to say. It felt right flowing from her lips in her deep alto voice, and so she let it fly. Besides, there was always the chance this woman would slip up and let go of some valued information about her relationship with Taurig. Knowing that Maija would likely turn the question back on her once it was answered, Sendoa began to rehearse her response in her head, face remaining stony as ever. The most logical answer would be the truth, but wasn't that just a bit too easy? It would be far too simple to state 'I was coerced by Taurig into joining during a siege.' Ah yes, that just didn't have much merit to it. Something more vague and sinister would be far more entertaining... but what? Ah, she knew precisely what to say if asked. A smug grin quirked in the mere corner of her maw, barely visible to the naked eye - but present all the same.
