
You're as young as you feel

Kane <3



Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

09-12-2023, 01:59 AM

The nomadic family had eventually and inevitably migrated their way back towards the Hallows. As their pups grew older into young adults, Kane knew his young ones would want to branch out and explore the world for themselves, to carve their own paths and find their own destinies, and he let them do so without qualm. They always knew where they could find their parents if they needed them and he trusted the spirits and his ancestors to watch over them wherever they ventured. But with an empty nest came a longing from Tamsyn to be near her older children and grandchildren. And so they had headed back to the Hallows, where they were welcomed warmly by Artorias and set to making a den out in the Starlit Plains. Kane would have gladly sucked up his preference for the great outdoors to sleep inside the castle if it brought Tamsyn comforts, but true to her giving nature, his little blackbird opted instead to stay out with him. She was far too good to him...

Life within the Hallows was peaceful and routine. Kane became an assistant to Gwynevere, helping her craft her medicines and foraging for herbs for the pack's pharmacy, while also getting in some hunting to help keep the larders full. Basically making himself useful anywhere and everywhere he could to earn his keep. Gwyn had asked him to help bulk craft some poultices with her now that spring had come to Auster and many of the more delicate herbs were back in abundance, and the dire brute was happy to do so. His day was spent mixing and mashing herbs down until the Hallows was overstocked on many of the essentials, but it was something he was happy to do. It was late afternoon, almost early evening when he finally left the castle and began making his way back to the den to meet up with Tamsyn. Kane was halfway there when a call from his mate came from the nearby north, catching his attention and his curiosity. Cocking his head to the side, Kane shifted his path and began heading for the edge of the Wildberry Grove. What could Tamsyn need him for at this hour all the way out here?

Kane got his answer when he crested a hill and spotted the dark form of his beloved spread out across an expansive fur laid out on the grass, a campfire crackling beside her bathing her in glowing firelight as meats roasted over the open flames. An intrigued brow raised on Kane's forehead as he approached her, eyes roaming over Tam's form appreciatively once before moving up to meet the mint green of her own gaze. "Got a hot date tonight?" he teased her with a knowing grin, coming up to flop down on the blanket and settle in beside her, nuzzling into the back of her neck with tender affection. "What's all this, little blackbird?"


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.

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1. You're as young as you feel The Starlit Plains 06:45 PM, 07-21-2023 09:40 PM, 09-02-2024