
Saxe Adopts

looking for some heathens to run around with Sephiran


09-12-2023, 03:36 AM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2023, 09:23 PM by MalBelle. Edited 2 times in total.)
WIP for third-born daughter

NAME: Yarrabelle ‘Yarra’ Saxe
AGE: One year [turning two in Spring of Year 19]  
BIRTH SEASON: Spring of Year 17
GENDER. Female
APPEARANCE: FD1336-F0-D278-444-C-A165-A7-BDAAC6-C89-C
SIZE: 36”
BUILD: Heavy
A queen swathed in darkness, cloaked in a magenta so deep it borders on black. Her fur is tinged a lighter pink along her scruff and tail, and pale amber speckles are strewn amidst it’s tumultuous sea, glinting like golden scales beneath a briny surface. Her cheeks are speckled in this same fashion, lending a point of light in her otherwise dark and forbidding features. It offers a hint of softness, the suggestion of childhood in a woman so unwilling to be perceived as anything but elegant and intimidating. Set above these facial marks? A pair of green eyes so bright they seem to glow from the dark recesses of her face. They’re forever shifting and narrowing, drinking in the world with harsh skepticism. She’s well-muscled and rather large in build, the stature of a woman who believes strength comes in the power of one’s own body.
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil
Condescending and scornful, she tends to operate under the assumption that she’s smarter than everyone else. This applies particularly to men; she has a healthy respect for most women, but she believes men to be idiotic morons more concerned with whose manhood is bigger than making smart decisions. As such she has a tendency to poke and prod at her brothers, mocking them and trying to find holes in their plans. Despite this, she is a loyal Saxe and will provide assistance and backup when needed. Indeed, she’d die for her family - not out of love or affection, but because she’d believe it to be her duty as a Saxe. Sarcastic and sharp-tongued, eighty percent of her speech is basically just disparaging remarks.

Obviously she’s rather arrogant and narcissistic, believing herself superior to almost everyone around her. It’s hard to impress her and even harder to get her to like you, but she is attracted to power and will defer to her betters when she knows she’s been outmatched. (It’s called picking your battles, ahem.) She covets power and craves it for herself; she secretly (or not so secretly) resents her brother’s position as first-born and believes she’d have been a better fit. Conniving and impatient, she’s always scheming and pulling strings - and then getting pissed when it takes a while to reap the rewards.
Fighting & Intellect
Lesbian but wants to expand the Saxe bloodline so willing to bang men if necessary
Will both scorn her siblings and help them in their endeavours. Basically the critical voice in Seph’s ear. Will want to climb the ranks of whatever pack she ends up in. Hookup with women, have pups eventually. Help the Saxe’s scheme.