
as fate would have it



09-12-2023, 10:15 AM

Irving blinks a few times as Birna explains to him about the giant lizard that took a deer off the bank. He turns his chin to give her a peculiar look. "Ya mean a gator?" He questions quizzically. Sure, he'd seen them before. They enjoyed the murky waters of the river and typically left predators alone unless they were smaller like him. "Yea, they ain't nice folk," he adds as he hops down from his branch, careful not to get his length of rope entangled in the tree.

Drawing in his rope with his paws and teeth, he tugs and waits at different moments, feeling the fish and expertly guiding it until it flopped up onto the shore. "Lessons?" Irving questions as he pounces forward, extending his claws and swiftly swiping the fish's neck open and severing its head from its body. Straightening up to turn and fully get a look at the other feline, he regards her for a moment. Ah, yes, she did look more... northern than himself. Fluffier, thicker, more grey than his tannish-yellow sleek and thin-coated form.

He then glances down at his fishing rope where one end is still caught in the fish's mouth. "Mm, I can teach ya if ya wan'," he says as he puts one paw on the fish and then uses his teeth to pull the rope from the fish's mouth. As expected, the piece of mouse he had tied onto one end was gone. Holding up his rope, he extends it to Birna so she can take a closer look at it. Then it was as if a light bulb suddenly went off in his head. How rude of him! He hadn't introduced himself to her. "Oh, name's Irving, nice to meet ya Birna," he gives her a wide, cheeky smile with lips pulled back before continuing with his lesson.

"See, wha' I do is jus' take some vine, tie a bit o' mouse roun' one end an' then I dangle from a branch," he drops the rope on the ground if she hasn't taken it from him and points up at the tree where she had found him. "Plop the mouse en' inta tha water an' give it a wiggle occasionally an' wait fer yer mouse ta bite," Irving then wiggles his paw around to show her how he would move his paw if he were doing it. "Patience ya biggest worry, really," he adds on with a shrug.

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1. as fate would have it The Rio Grande 08:39 AM, 09-01-2023 03:23 AM, 02-13-2024