
They don't get you like I will



10-31-2013, 09:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2013, 10:49 PM by Maija.)

He spoke of how he wanted to protect those close to him, but risk his life for her own. The devotion that was noted in his voice made Maija's inner core attempt to break free of her bonds. She didn't want to admit it, but she had fallen deeper in what was safe to assume more than a crush at that moment. Her heart wanted to race as if it were running, but she didn't let it for the possible consequences that would come from such an act. A part of Maija was still nervous, still wanting to believe that nothing would ever happen to him in the future. The bolder part of her -- the stronger part -- told her that if something did happen, she would be okay and deal with whatever was thrown in her direction. After all, she lived through Dragomir's disappearance, right?
Her leaf green eyes still clung to his as he continued to admit that he would die if he couldn't protect her from his father. The reason he went to the war was for her benefit...she had never had someone want to keep her safe that much. Maija's heart then leaped from its icy layers and she slowly propelled herself to close the gap between them. Her muzzle met his neck and she nuzzled him with a cool nose, breathing in his scent and closing her eyes. Words escaped her as she softly said, "No one has ever showed me how much I meant to them before..." Even Dragomir hadn't done something so drastic and noble.
She realized she had probably crossed a barrier, but in that moment, it had seemed right. Maija then pulled back, ears shyly lowering as her gaze still met his. "You don't know how much those actions, however dangerous, proved to me how strong of a man you are...and how much you care."

speech here