
they're a bunch of animals

raider brats


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
09-13-2023, 06:42 AM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 06:43 AM by Siduri. Edited 1 time in total.)
[Image: rw7j0Cq.png]

She. Was. AWAKE!

Siduri didn't sleep much. The boundless energy within the girl prevented her from doing so. This would probably send her to an early grave, but she was still fresh and new and really, who cared? The more she was awake, the more things that she got to see and experience. Fear of missing out, or something like that. Imagine all of the things that happened while she was asleep!

When her father's howl rang out, Sid had been pretending to be asleep. The moment he called to them, the child's brilliantly colored eyes shot open. She was on her paws before her siblings even stirred and instantly began bounding circles around her father's legs. "Papa, papa! Is it time?! Are we going out now?!" Unable to contain herself, Siduri leaped out of the den and into the world where she promptly released a raucous screech that would have more right coming out of a velociraptor than a wolf pup. Then, as an afterthought, she raced back inside, wrapped her tiny forelegs around Gil's tree trunk of a leg, and gave him a huge hug. A cute little noise pulled from the pallid child as she squeezed and then she was gone once more. Only fools waited.

Tiny puppy paws sent the girl down the beach, trouble finding her like a magnet. By the time she reached the water, there was a crab pinching the tip of her tail and she had a few sand burrs in her coat. But water! LOOK AT THE WATER! With another whoop, Siduri dove into the licking waves. Thankfully they were just ripples and not huge whitecaps, but still... Puppy. Water. Great combo.

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1. they're a bunch of animals Daager Isle 06:21 AM, 09-13-2023 02:58 PM, 10-24-2023