
they're a bunch of animals

raider brats


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
09-13-2023, 09:26 AM

Calliope would gladly sleep in. For as long as she could manage. Sleeping was nice. Curled up under Urtur (the only animal thus far she'd taken any sort of liking to) and snoozing away. Until her father's echoing howl caused her ears to fold back and her paws to slap over them. A very loud groan leaves her sighing lips as she rolls her bright blue eyes. Blinking away the sleep, Calliope burrows further under Urtur to hide from the commotion that is her other siblings.

"LET ME SLEEP!" Cal screeches, though it is rather muffled under the fur and weight of her father's wolverine. Sid's thumping and velociraptor screams were enough to wake the whole damn island. Birds were now calling into the morning air as they took flight into the sky. While she wants to go back to sleep, there is no more sleeping. Rightfully sour, Cal crawls her way out from under Urtur, her brow furrowed and lips pulled up into a snarl as she looks to see who is left.

Well, they'd already lost Sid. Hope she drowns. Cal thinks to herself with a snort as she gets up onto her paws and gives her fur a good shake. While it seemed the rest of them were also probably making their way outside, she hung back for a moment. Better to not get caught up in the mayhem for now. Meanwhile, her bright gaze flickered around the room. Nothing new here. Nothing exciting to get into. Ugh, fine, I guess I'll go outside. The drawling thought passes through her mind as she begins to drag her paws past her father, an eye roll thrown in his direction, and then through the doorway.

Moseying down the hallway, it isn't long until the girl is distracted by shiny objects. Morning light picks up through the broken glass. The smell of burning wood made her nostrils sting. A crisp breeze wafted through the building, bringing to her a scent of salt and seaweed. That was right! There was water outside! Suddenly, against her will, her paws are picking up the pace and her long legs are stretching out into a ground-eating lope. Seconds later, Cal is bursting out of the building, down the crumbling steps, and tumbling into the sand. Head over heels, the colorful girl is fully covered in sand and salt by the time she is back on all fours.

Another growl rumbles in her out of frustration. Dang paws! Why was she always tripping over these big things? Fortunately, she has no time to sulk over being gangly when she sees Sid splashing around in the waves. Her eyes light up and her tail lifts over her haunches, sweeping back and forth excitedly. Without a word of warning, Cal races over to Sid, sand, and water now spraying up behind her, and goes barreling toward her sister. At the last moment, a devious grin spreads across her ivory lips as she aims to shoulder-shove Sid into the water.

Calliope, The Callous

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

Thread Move Log
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1. they're a bunch of animals Daager Isle 06:21 AM, 09-13-2023 02:58 PM, 10-24-2023