
No good deed...

Hermes and Indi


The Syndicate

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Master Intellectual (244)

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Samhain 2022
09-13-2023, 02:23 PM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 02:23 PM by Aresenn. Edited 1 time in total.)

When Sirius acknowledged that his current relationship with Andromeda wasn't one without care, he offered a stiff nod of his own. He wouldn't have risked his own life for hers had there been no feelings between them. However, what took him completely off guard was the offer to stick around for her sake. Uncertainty flooded his gut, as he immediately felt torn between wanting to say yes, wanting to think about it, and considering the consequences that might ensure for not agreeing right away. He wasn't given much time to respond before the Warlord mentioned Sephiran. He didn't blink at the crude address, though he was a little surprised that he had been so curt with with his daughter nearby. But hey, who was he to judge their relationship. He would talk in a similar way with his own father present had he felt the need.

The Sephiran bit was far simpler to deal with. “I have hidden her from him.” Aresenn responded honestly. He had never told Sephiran of his continued involvement with the ‘Armadan princess from that day in the marketplace’. He didn’t want to be put in a situation where he would have to defend Andy from the Saxe boy- who he wouldn’t so readily call his friend- but was easily the individual he had spent the most time with outside his immediate family.

But just because he didn’t want to have to, did not mean that he wouldn’t defend her.

“I also regularly remind her to be cautious- though, she is very much capable of making her own decisions.” But as the words came out of his mouth, he couldn’t help but think back to the situation he had just pulled her out of. Had she been more capable, would he have had to restrain her from going back into the flood a second time to save others? How long was she willing to pursue a lost cause? Until she physically couldn’t? That realization made him feel a little guilty, but he quickly blinked it away.

As to the offer, that was tricky. “I’m sure you are already aware that Gilgamesh has transitioned Pirates into something different within the last season.” He paused a moment before continuing. “I was born into that mess, just so you know. I saw the opportunity, and I left so I could figure myself out.” He had mainly stuck to himself in his absence from his family. Even still, he felt like he had managed to accomplish very little in that time frame. “And … I don’t think I’ve done enough of that yet.” He finished, maintaining eye contact through his reasoning.

In that split moment, his ear flicked back in Andy’s direction, returning part of his attention to her. “However, I would appreciate not having to be secretive when I want to visit her.” Aresenn added. He then chanced a look toward the girl as she closed the distance, offering her a half-sided grin. But I will if I must.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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