
Generals Gathered In Their Masses

Raid Meeting! Sep 13th Deadline

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-13-2023, 07:56 PM

Jack is not left waiting long as the King is the first to appear. A huge, excited grin curls his lips up and his tail thumps the ground a few times as he dips his head in silent greeting. Next to appear is Rivin and his grin pulls into a bright, joyful smile as she approaches him. The girl sets a necklace at his paws and the boy it quick to gather it up for closer inspection. Eyes widen as he finds the tine of one of Rivin’s antler hanging from it and he beams happily at her. Slipping the leather cord around his head, the necklace comes to rest on the fur of his chest.

Before she can retreat away from him, Calico Jack leans forward, brushing his nose against the fur of her cheek as he whispers, “Thank you. I will treasure this.” Leaning back, heat floods his cheeks as his eyes flick over to where Gil is watching them and offers the man a lopsided grin. Deluge is next to show and he shoots her a grin, thankful that she is here to support him as Flurry arrives and takes a seat. The appearance of his mother has the boy genuinely shocked but in a good, proud way. Sitting a little taller, he waits as Scald, Ajax, Diablo, and Ignis round out the group.

Waiting a moment, Jack looks over the Raiders before a large grin tugs the corners of his lips up. “Thank you all for coming! Seeing as the weather is kind of cold here, I thought we could make a trip out West! Our target is Insomnia and we will be taking whatever furs we can find!” With their target picked and plans laid out, he stands and leads the raiding party outside.

"Calico Jack"

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1. Generals Gathered In Their Masses Daager Isle 12:39 AM, 09-09-2023 04:04 PM, 10-11-2023