
northern attitude



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09-14-2023, 07:45 AM
There was something undeniably freeing about exploring somewhere to your heart's content, especially places like this. This mountainside was mostly desolate, clearly not a place for soft, squishy wolves. One wrong move up here and.... Kaija's thoughts trailed off briefly as she glanced back behind her, noting the steep sections of terrain they were beginning to traverse and just how dangerous a misstep could be.

Kaija grunted in acknowledgment as Nirvana spoke, nodding along with her. "Always loved the mountains. Couldn't tell you why - just feels like home," she admitted. Not many places really felt like that to her lately, which was a shame considering once she'd felt at home everyone. Oh well. Things changed and so had she, apparently. That deep, restless feeling only felt like it was being exacerbated lately though and she wasn't quite sure how to deal with that.

Nirvana explained a little more about herself. She was part of a pack called Elysium, and it sounded like most of her family were there. Kaija hadn't heard of it but that wasn't surprising. "I get that," she commented, pausing to catch her breath after loping up over a section of rubble that inclined sharply. The rocks spilled out behind her, echoing as they bounced down the side of the volcano, but she quickly regained her composure.

"I think about my siblings a lot, but our paths have gone different ways too." Why was she telling a stranger this? Maybe because she was lonely. And the fact that Nirvana was pretty certainly didn't hurt. God, she was a sucker for a tall, pretty woman - she couldn't deny that. "Satisfying your own needs is more important than going along with your family. At least that's what I think." And that was what she and her siblings had been taught from a young age. It wasn't like she didn't love them - hell, she'd move mountains for them in an instant - but she wouldn't shape her whole world around them. That didn't do anyone any good.

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1. northern attitude Mount Volkan 12:26 PM, 08-09-2023 08:06 AM, 01-30-2024