
before you get all aggressive




Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
09-14-2023, 04:58 PM

It was in all ways totally predictable that she'd see her younger siblings romping about at this point. Flurry held no bad feelings for either of her parents but she was well aware of how deeply unmaternal her mother was and had no doubt that any of her siblings who were inclined towards hiding behind her would find out very quickly how hard that'd be. Especially with seven of them to try and wrangle. Not that Flurry was complaining, honestly while her own litter mates seemed chilly or otherwise indifferent to the little brats she was looking forward to them frankly. Firstly she thought it was a little short sighted of anyone to not see the potential a group of impressionable young raiders were for creating one's own personal army and two because... Well someone had to be and she might as well be the one excited to get to play with them if her other siblings were going to fuck off somewhere else and leave her with them... Okay so that was less about the pups and maybe she still had some feelings to work through on that front...

Regardless it wasn't all that surprising to see one or two of them out and about regularly now. Like today. She'd been doing a run of the beach both as exercise and to check any of the parts of the island that acted as a border. Her pace slowing to an easy trot as she once more got closer to the familiar shore that stretched out from the building. It was near impossible to miss the girl, unlike her own litter mates it seemed like a lot more of her mother had come through on this brood and a little sunset coloured shape was easy to spot against the island backdrop. Nor was it hard to see the girl's dark expression. Flurry couldn't help being amused. "You look like someone shit in your bed." Crass, probably not age appropriate by most standards, but hey it was about what any of them could expect around here. "Unless someone actually did in which case, which of your brothers are we ganging up on?" Technically her brothers too, but she wasn't even sure if the girl really knew who she was... Flurry had visited once when the kiddos had been too young to really do more than wriggle around and squeal and frankly between her mother's lack of interest and her own memory she remembered not a single one of their names or which name had belonged to which bean. But hey maybe the girl would remember her scent, or maybe one of their parents had actually thought to mention to the little gremlins they had older siblings... She didn't know, she was winging it. Almost always was.


Art by Honrin
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.

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1. before you get all aggressive Daager Isle 09:29 PM, 09-13-2023 09:38 AM, 01-05-2024