
well, this wasn't how i wanted it to go




Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (220)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-14-2023, 06:34 PM
He followed her, hesitating at the river. He knew here lay the boundary of Heidinn. Would there be trouble for him for leaving it? Most likely, yes. As a Thrall he didn’t have the same freedoms as the other wolves. He took a soft, frustrated breath, and then plunged on. That stupid toxic idiot was going to get herself into trouble, wasn’t she? Maybe if he followed her, he could get a front row seat to her demise. Because that was exactly why he was chasing after her.

She plunged into the thicket, and this time he didn’t hesitate. She already had a decent head start on him, and there was nothing else for it. He hunched down and followed her. Feeling branches catch and snag at his coat as he moved further in. the path got smaller, and smaller. Fine for a stupid midget like her, maybe. He was crawling now, and still he was getting poked, stabbed, and pulled fur. He knew he lost more than one tuff of his coat squeezing in. Finally, at last, he could go no further. He could hear her crying softly to herself somewhere up ahead. He tried to pull himself under the thicket, and got a resounding smack to the head from a twig that rebounded off his head. Nope. he couldn’t do it, he’d have to just leave the idiot to her misery then. He tried to shuffle backwards, and all the branches he’d shoved past suddenly poked him in the butt. He tried to turn, but he hadn’t left himself enough room even for that. He tried to inch forward again, but there just wasn’t enough room. He was stuck, utterly. “...Delphi…”

[Image: Au67KGz.png]

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1. well, this wasn't how i wanted it to go Rustling Thicket 06:22 PM, 09-14-2023 08:31 PM, 10-22-2023