
Excuse Me, Do You Know Who We Are?

Cal, Tarn Seasonal


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
09-15-2023, 08:42 AM

WordsSiduri ventured along the endless expanse of the white-sand beach. Her steps left faint, delicate imprints in the soft sand as she explored this newfound world, her curiosity a guiding force. Siduri's youthful spirit brimmed with wonder and innocence. Okay, maybe not innocence. When had a pirate- Excuse me- a Raider... ever been innocent?

As she roamed further along the beach, her ears perked up, sensing a faint, distant presence. It was a deep, guttural growl that sent shivers down her spine. Siduri turned her head, and there, emerging from the horizon like a looming shadow, was a massive male wolf. His coat was a dark, imposing contrast to Siduri's own. With each step, his muscles rippled under a coat of thick, matted fur. The look in his eye made his intentions very, very obvious. He wanted to hurt her.

The instinct to survive surged through Siduri's small frame as she realized the threat she faced. She turned and sprinted towards the sheltering embrace of the nearby trees. The gnarled roots and dense undergrowth seemed to promise safety, or at least a moment's respite. The doves nestled within the trees were shocked into life and they cooed and called above.

Siduri's heart pounded in her chest as she darted among the trees, her mind racing to collect her wits. The male wolf was relentless, hot on her heels. He lunged forward, snapping his jaws just inches from her tail, his hot breath sending chills down her spine. She was trapped, cornered beneath the twisted roots of an ancient tree.

Siduri's survival instinct kicked in full force. She couldn't afford to be a victim. Not when she was so pretty and smart and had so much life left to live. Summoning every ounce of courage she had, she whirled around to face her assailant. With a ferocious growl of her own, she lunged at him, her sharp teeth bared. Small, sharp puppy teeth bit into the man's muzzle and she came away with the taste of blood. "You'll not have a taste of me you vile, putrid, pugnacious, pest!"

What followed was a chaotic ballet of fur, fangs, and fury. Siduri darted in and out of the gnarled roots of the trees, delivering quick bites and blows to the larger wolf. Her agility and speed allowed her to land several precise strikes, but her opponent was formidable. He was bigger and stronger, his sheer size a daunting advantage.

As the skirmish raged on, a sudden change in the atmosphere caught both combatants off guard. The sky, once clear and serene, darkened ominously. The heavens themselves seemed to cry out in anger, and hailstones began to fall from the skies.

Siduri felt the icy pellets stinging her fur as they pelted her relentlessly. She winced with each strike, but she refused to yield. She utilized the shelter of the trees and their gnarled roots as best as she could, dodging and weaving between them to avoid the worst of the assault.

The huge male wolf, however, wasn't as fortunate. His massive form was exposed to the elements, and the hailstones battered him mercilessly. With each blow, he faltered, his strength waning. It was as if the very sky had turned against him.

Strike after strike landed on the pale pup and she was beginning to feel cold and quite sore. It seemed as though the hailstones were growing larger. Eventually, Sid curled up in a ball in the shelter of the roots while the enraged giant continued to bite at the tree, trying to gain entry. Whatever gods this land possessed, the girl hoped that they would decide to save her yet again.
Raider Brats

WC- 611

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1. Excuse Me, Do You Know Who We Are? Dove Island Archipelago 08:42 AM, 09-15-2023 09:32 PM, 11-01-2023