
Pick your brain




Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
09-15-2023, 12:29 PM
Flurry took in her father's words earnestly. Y'know fair enough on his end, anyone looking to go to a place she maybe thought was too far was dancing on a fine line at their own peril. She could accept that. She nodded thoughtfully, clearly storing that away somewhere but otherwise accepting of his response. Things to consider, things to simmer on and know for the future. It's his words on the Armada that give her some pause, not about Ignis' behaviour with them, that at least tracked but something else. Something sticking in her craw. She remembered the beach from that day, it had been... Well, in hindsight, wild. Had anyone ever told Sparrow's kids about it? Not the time for that thought. No it was something else, a connection she had made even as a child but she hadn't done more than notice the similarities it was only now as a young adult with a better understanding of things that it was piecing itself together in her mind.

"What happened between us and them?" She finally asked. "I remember noticing that one asshole who'd tried to attack Sparrow when she'd been giving birth smelled a hell of a lot like the woman we'd had in the boat for a while but- Well fuck me, I'm realizing now. That that was not exactly a willing visit. We had an Armada wolf captive." It wasn't an accusation exactly... It was more a putting together of cause and effect. "Is that what started it? Or was that just retaliation for something else? Or was that retaliation. Where did it start?" And where will it end? Nothing as drastic as the attack on the beach had happened since, but Deluge for all her bitching about being stabbed was not comparable... But why had she been stabbed? Was she the only person who could see how quickly this could get nuclear? Over what? She hoped it was a good reason.

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Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.

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1. Pick your brain Daager Isle 12:49 PM, 09-06-2023 06:04 PM, 11-08-2023