



03-09-2013, 12:54 PM
Lentajin was starting to become a place Cetotorah feared. He feared not for himself, but for his younger friend in which he'd sworn to protect because she was his best friend. Both yearlings had lost their mothers and the boy hadn't caught wind of his father at all. He'd come to the conclusion that both were dead. Sade and Taiga were gone as well leaving him alone. Finding the young gal had been a stroke of luck on their parts. She was parent-less as well so he had no problems sticking by her side. She was enough company for him.

It hadn't taken much to convince her to follow him. She'd simply asked him where he wanted to go and she followed him. After much consideration he came up with a list. Valhalla was much to large and crowded for his taste. he enjoyed the peace and quiet. Glaciem was too far north and much too cold for either of them at this point. The journey could kill them. Tortuga was a definite no. Though Lentajin was allies with them, or at least was, he wouldn't trust any of those wolves as far as he could throw them. That wasn't very far. Seracia was a pack he didn't know much about. It was an option he considered. He'd heard rumors about pups with his last name. He would check it out later. There was just one pack in which he knew almost absolutely nothing about. Ludicael. A pack he also didn't know much about but it was intriguing. It was small. Luana and him would investigate it. If they liked it then they would stay.

The sandy yearling and himself had traveled a good distance when a howl rang forth. He knew the sound. Rancor, Sade, and Zara had all given similar howls. It was the sound of an Alpha.

"Come on Luana lets go! We don't need to be late!"

He took only a moment to glance back at his friend before picking his pace up to a run as he raced for the pack meeting. He only slowed before they came to sight. By the time he could see them his pace was a slow trot.

Crimson eyes studied the two creatures before him as he slowed to a stop in front of a battered up female. He knew immediately that she was the Alpha. He'd heard of the fights in the battlefield and just by the way she presented herself he knew that out of the two wolves there that she was it.

The boy offered a soft bow of his head his eyes never leaving her face. He ignored the other female for the time being and flicked his tail for Luana to come stand by him if she wasn't there already.

"My name is Cetotorah. My friend, Luana, and I hail from Lentajin. We wish to join your pack and I wish to prove myself to you."

He wasn't a fool. He'd picked up a lot of good traits from both Talutah and Lentajin when he'd been in both packs. He was the type of wolf to prove himself. He'd take whatever rank he earned. He wouldn't demand one or ask for one simply because he did not think that highly of himself. Things couldn't be dished out to you. You had to earn it by fighting for it. He was noble enough and smart enough to realize that even though he was a few months past a year. He would turn two in the fall, but he already acted much older. He felt obligated to simply because he had to fend for himself and keep tabs on his best friend.

Eyes flickered to Luana wondering how she'd introduce and carry herself. Would she make a good impression?

[Word Count: 637
Muse: Great!
ooc: Challenge accepted! I met your word count anyways xD]