
Something real

for Req



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

3 Years
09-17-2023, 11:43 AM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2023, 11:44 AM by Reqouis. Edited 1 time in total.)
Requois Klein
"searching for meaning through lidded success..."

Gather supplies. If he were to be useful he needed to learn. Requois wasnt one for fighting much despite that Ruby had taught him some viscious blows. No he was glad and didnt even know it to have time away from his mother. Who for some reason insisted on putting herself in danger. His frown deepened letting thw icy wind trail up his fur. He liked the north hed decided when he arrived. Req blended in perfectly and with the snow fall his albino coat was like a flash and it was pure bliss to him.

This place was stranger than anything hed seen though. Curiosity driving the thinner male forward. He stared at the tops of the trees. Noting how each one seemed to still carry leaves. The ice beneath encased this forest. For how long had they been standing in all this ice and snow. The thought of so much time passing made him shiver. Was there any good prey in these cold and unforgiving lands. Hed find that out the more of this he uncovered. Alas no animals in sight until his red eyes squinted at a shape in the distance.

Other wolves were dangerous at the best of times. At least thats what he had learned. Cautiously he continued across the ice. Stopping at tops of trees every now and again to peer down as far as he could into the opaque ice. Once he was a few feet away from her , her pack scent flooded his nose. There was something.... familiar about it.

Silently Req depended on his own rigid body language. He wasnt as tall as the lady, but giants were not uncommon. Turning his gaze to the ice he dipped his head to Kiela. He meant no harm perhaps just like her he was gaining knowledge of the land. Req had to, he began digging around one of the trees. He wondered, if he dug deep enough would he be able to find the end of this tree? What was the world like beneath all this ice.

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1. Something real Submerged Woods 08:26 AM, 09-17-2023 03:05 AM, 02-13-2024