


03-09-2013, 01:18 PM
Luana had not met the new reigning alpha of Lentajin, but the rumors that had swept through the land had been enough to make her shiver and Ceto was worried. He didn't show it, but she could see the worry reflected in those crimson oculars, and that alone had been enough to convince her that Lentajin was no longer safe. She had no mama and her father she had never met, but from the way her mother described him, she never wanted too. Cetotorah was her family. He was her best friend and she adored him. She was content wherever he wandered. He had promised her they would be together forever and she would hold him to his word.

She knew nothing of the packs on this land, her mother had been a loner, a rogue, and she had grown up without the crowds of wolves. She was unaccustomed to the pack life and despite her young age, had already been taught a great many things. She could hunt both on land and in the water, she could swim, she could track, and she was an excellent hide and seek finder! That had always been her favorite game. She trusted Cetotorah with her life and when he choose a pack, a place for them to go, she licked his cheek, barked excitedly and trotted along beside him.

It wasn't too long of a journey and she filled the air between them with chatter, Ceto chiming in occasionally. A howl cracked through the air causing her audits to swivel forward. She didn't recognize the call, but her companion did and he called back to her as he took off.

"Is that the call of our new Alpha?" Luana quickly matched paces with them, her paws carrying her as fast as they could. She slowed along with Ceto as they approached the territory now open for claiming and came to a halt beside him. There was only one other wolf here besides her and her best friend and the alpha of course! She had a pretty coat, Luana like red... but that might be because it was the color of Ceto's eyes and she loved her best friend.

Luana trotted forward, keeping her shoulder brushing against Ceto's, she was nervous, she had messed up her last pack introduction. This time she stayed silent. Ceto introduced her and her tail swung behind her nervously, but she swallowed, she needed to speak.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Miss! I'm not from a pack but my mama taught me how to hunt and I can swim!" She smiled brightly, tail swinging behind her with confidence as Ceto's presence gave her strength. Ranks did not mean much to her, if she was given one she would be happy, because Ceto would be proud of her and if she wasn't she would be fine too. "Give me a chance to prove myself and I promise you won't regret it." She had just turned one, that innocent gleam in the depths of her eyes still hadn't faded, she was excited to be here and it showed, she only hoped the woman would give her a chance.

Her gaze flickered over to Ceto. Had she done well enough?