
Stars in her eyes

Taly <3


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
09-17-2023, 03:47 PM

It was exciting to hear that Taly shared similar interests, claiming that she liked to explore stuff too. At the mention of her maps- which had initially caught Clove’s eye when she entered the room- her tail wagged softly behind her, patting against the linens in a synchronous manner. “That is so cool…” She murmured, loud enough for her sister to hear. It was just an admiral thought that slipped from her lips. She studied the maps on the walls to the best ability, having to squint her eyes a bit to really see them. She could make out different territories with borders that separated them, and small drawings of figures that must have represented landmarks. Right now, it didn’t make much sense to Clove because she hadn’t been to any of those places. But knowing that there was so much out there for her to explore, just like her sister had, was a wondrous realization. At the mention of other explorers in the family, Clove’s face lit up even more. “I would love to meet them all, and go on adventures!” With each day that passed, she grew bigger, older, and more capable of asking for the things she wanted. She made a mental note of the wolves Taly mentioned, so she could ask them, her, and their father, for more accompanied adventures.

She could have stayed on the topic of exploring forever, but the streak of light shooting across the night sky pulled the pup’s attention away from their conversation. Talyssa had seen it as well, and gave Clove the explanation she had been hoping for. A shooting star… a magical thing you could make a wish on, and it might come true! “Oh! I know what to wish for!” She giggled, pulling her paws to her mouth and smiling up at her sister. I wish Talyssa would take me exploring! She felt a little devious not being able to tell her sister her wish, but she believed her when she said it wouldn’t come true if she said it out loud. So, she kept it to herself… even though, with sly the expression on her face and the giggling, surely Talyssa had ideas of what she wished for.

She turned back to the sky alit with stars, hoping to see another shooting star… not realizing they were actually a rare phenomenon. “Yes, I really like them.” She mused aloud, raising a paw to trace the patterns she saw in the air. They made weird shapes she didn't recognize as anything specific, but surely they had some type of meaning. “I haven’t met Aunt Andormeda yet,” She admitted, still tracing the stars with her paw. There were so many wolves she needed to meet, given their family was so big. It felt a little overwhelming at times. "Mama told me they help light up the nighttime sky, so we don’t feel so scared in the dark.”  She paused, thinking back to that conversation. “But that’s all I know.” It wasn’t much to go off of, but it was comforting at least. “What do you know about them Taly?” Her paw came down to rest on the bed again, and she turned to look up at her sister, hoping to be taught more about the stars.  

"Clove Carpathius"
Code by Shelby

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1. Stars in her eyes Amron's Castle 09:21 PM, 09-10-2023 08:54 PM, 11-25-2023