
The Pact



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
09-17-2023, 06:26 PM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2023, 10:55 PM by Aurelia. Edited 3 times in total.)

It had been snowing for days, and the accumulation that had built up in the mountains had been enough to drive her out of them- for fear of avalanche or being buried in cover. Though, that hadn’t been the only reason. With the skies pretty well staying overcast, it had been easy for her to lose track of the time that had passed. But she knew the full moon had to be close to rising- she could feel it in every fiber of her being. In the days leading up to the ceremony, she had begun her descent down the western face of the range- she rarely traveled this far east. However, due to recent events, she had to leave her normal range. As she had eased down to a lower elevation- closer to the ocean, the sky had managed to clear up. An open window to the celestial body above, Aurelia was relieved to discover she was just on time. Though she was certain it was the goddess to be thanked for that.

She had counted out the location just a few days prior, and it was everything she had remembered it to be layered in snow with the occasional rock formation stuck out here and there in an otherwise open plain of existence. On her descent to the ritual grounds, she accumulated all the supplies she needed- some she always carried with her- others she had to improvise. Everything she had with her was rolled into a white mountain goat fur she had harvested specifically for the occasion, and as the Cold Moon neared its apex, she set to work. While the blocks of stone lay scattered haphazardly around the immediate area, there was a specific spot that called to her. It may as well have been home. Aurelia was very careful to avoid ruining the pristine canvas of the interior of her circle before she had the perimeter traced out and clearly stamped into the layer of snow. Then she went around and even distributed five small stacks of kindling around the circle’s edge in preparation to be lit. They weren’t going to cause huge fires- just enough to burn for a few minutes- but that’s all she needed.

From there, Aurelia declared an entrance to her circle, taking as few carefully placed, long-strided steps as she could to get herself to the center. Then she dumped out the rest of her kindling, a concoction of herbs, a piece of flint, and a small blade from the last fold of the white fur- before gently placing the fur aside. She gathered the makings of her central fire together, before taking the small knife and flint in her jaws only to leave the circle the way she came in.

Igniting the spark was always the hardest, but after a few attempts a small breath of flame burst forward against the first collection of dried grass and twigs. She nursed it for several moments. Poking at it with one of the loose sticks. Once she felt it was strong enough to leave, she picked up one of the actively burning pieces and carried it on to the next stacks. The girl repeated her process four times more until she lit the last perimeter fire with herself on the inside- closing herself off to the outside world. She could almost immediately feel the change in the atmosphere. Aurelia returned down her initial path to the center of the circle to light it as well. With more fuel, its blazed brighter- though that was her intention. She could smell the floral scent of the herbs burning for a variety of purposes. To clear her mind, to strengthen her soul. As she settled near its dancing inferno, she draped the white fur over her shoulders. Sheltering herself from everything except for the alter fire.

Aurelia set there for several silent moments before she drew her voice to speak. “In profundis animae tuae clavem invenies; Ut vires recludam quae in te decepta est.” The girl said aloud. It was with considerable volume, though she was meant to be alone. “Ignis intus ardet, vim negare non potes; Surgat et luceat, spiritus tuus coelum tangat.” It was easy for herself to become lost in the flickering flames before her- though that was the point. “Hoc sume signum sinceritatis. Pignus fidei, amoris, et claritatis.” Aurelia continued, while slowly raising her wrist to her lips. "Suscipe sanguinem meum in gratiarum tuarum miserationum tuarum.” She finished, followed by a brief hesitance. However there was very little thought put into the following act. With clear intention, Aurelia bit herself just behind the mend in her paw with enough force to break skin, and allow her blood to flow freely. Once she tasted it on her own tongue, she quickly held it out over the fire. It hissed with each drop as it landed in the burning coals. Her eyes watered a bit at the throbbing pain of her self-inflicted injury. Though the sacrifice was necessary. Now, it was a waiting game.

"Aurelia Veratti"

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1. The Pact The Polar Sound 06:26 PM, 09-17-2023 06:25 AM, 09-25-2023