
Day Of Judgement, God Is Calling




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod
09-17-2023, 10:38 PM
TW: Akuma has a tarantula pet/companion

He heard the howl of challenge. Of invaders. Of an intent to attack Insomnia. Akuma huffed as he lay in his den, gently touching his new little friend. The tarantula climbed onto his paw, allowing him to gently stroke it. He had found it shortly after being thrown back into Insomnia's ranks. He was a Curse, but at least he was where his brother was. Granted, Enki didn't know he was here yet...didn't know that he had come here with a purpose. Didn't know that he had intentionally provoked Medusa into taking him in. And when he heard Medusa's call to arms, he almost considered ignoring it completely. But then he got to thinking...Enki had given up two years of his life to Insomnia. At least, that's what Medusa had said. Did that mean he would defend it, too?

He struggled with the indecision. If Enki was out there fighting for the pack he swore himself to, then didn't that mean Akuma was obligated to follow suit? He had, after all, come here for him specifically. Threw himself into the lion's den so that his brother wouldn't be alone. Though he was confined to a secluded section of the tar pits for now, he doubted there was anyone waiting around to stop him while the pack was being raided. "Wanna go have a little fun?" He asked his companion. It seemed to pause its stretching to look at him. Welp. Guess that confirmed it! He gently placed the eight-legged arachnid behind his horn and he took off!

He raced toward where he heard those challenging calls. Toward the sound of fighting. Though he was big and had some deadly weapons, he couldn't say he was experienced. He had little to no training, so he was simply just...throwing himself to the wolves and hoped for the best. When he arrived on scene, everyone was fighting. Well...all but one. Silver gaze quickly scanned the scene until he spotted one raider not locked in a fight with someone. With a growl, he raced toward her, talons unsheathed as he sought to close the distance. When he felt he was close enough, he tossed his head back and then forward, effectively launching the spider off his horn and hoped that it landed on her face or something. Simultaneously, (and hoping his companion was able to distract her), he swiped toward her left shoulder with his talons.

Akuma vs Deluge for Dominance
Round: 1/?
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Companion 1: Tarantula, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Crystal horn - Offensive
Mutation 2: Talons - Offensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Advanced Intellectual
Akuma's crystal horn has emerged and is about 6" long! It's sharp and jagged, and if you annoy him enough, he has no qualms about jabbing you with it c:

Thread Move Log
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1. Day Of Judgement, God Is Calling Dancefloor of the Gods 08:05 PM, 09-13-2023 09:32 PM, 11-01-2023