
The Pact



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
09-18-2023, 12:23 AM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2023, 10:28 AM by Aurelia. Edited 1 time in total.)
As the blood leaked from her self-inflicted wound- she was careful to adopt a concentrated breathing routine. She would take a deep inhale of the herbal smoke, hold it in her lungs for a few moments, and release it in an exhale that spanned several quiet moments. The night of the Cold Moon was near silent, making it easy to get lost in the pattern of her own respiration. However, she didn’t hear him until it was too late. Upon hearing him trample through one of the perimeter fires, she immediately became enraged. “GET OUT!” Aurelia screamed at the uninvited party, casting a quick glance to her wrist as she maintained its position over the alter fire. Though, by the time she realigned her attention to the approaching threat, she had very little room to react. He was on top of her. Sephiran muttered some meant to antagonize her- he didn’t really have to. Her sacrifice was in the process of being ruined and she was livid.

Aurelia was forced to drop her arm to maintain balance as she felt snaggle-tooth sink his fangs into her scruff. God that hurt like a bitch. She was quick to find any hold she could get on him, swinging her hindquarters away as she aimed low. She was much smaller than him after all. With her own jaws, she tried to catch his closest limb with as much force as she could put into it. He ruined her full moon. She was going to leave him with as much as he could remember her by before slipping away. That was their game after all.

"Aurelia Veratti"

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1. The Pact The Polar Sound 06:26 PM, 09-17-2023 06:25 AM, 09-25-2023