
everything falls


11-01-2013, 11:54 AM

When everything falls apart your arms hold me together

When everything falls apart you're the only hope for this heart

When everything falls apart and my strength is gone

I find you mighty and strong, you keep holding on

You keep holding on

He'd heard through the grapevine that Bronze and Themisto had been stolen in the siege, they had fought and they had lost. God only knew what had happened to Pontifex, about him there was not one shred of news. It was killing the King, quite visibly as he paced nervously in a thin line - the grass folding and crumpling beneath his weight. He would pivot and turn one-hundred-and-eighty degrees and continue back the way he'd came, moving along a few paces before pivoting and turning once more. Fretful would be the best way to describe his mood, though deep down it was much, much worse.

Russet coat had dulled with fall and the onset of winter, yet despite the coolness of weather it had not thickened exactly as it should have. Instead, the new thick growth was patchy and in some places missing altogether - a testament to the stress he'd endured during the past few weeks. At one moment everything had seemed so wonderful, and then it had all fallen apart. Why must life be an emotional roller coaster? He lifted his head and gave out a tremendous cry for his wife, calling her forth - for there was much to discuss. He didn't now which way to turn, and perhaps she would have a clearer head than he.
