
Excuse Me, Do You Know Who We Are?

Cal, Tarn Seasonal


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
09-18-2023, 09:19 AM

It wasn't that Calliope cared about her siblings in a sincere way. Her concern, which quietly laced across her strained expression, was because she hadn't seen Siduri in a long while. She had woken up that morning in hopes of tossing her smaller sister into the waves again, but when she had seen that her ivory and pastel sister was gone, she had had to resort to something else. For the sake of keeping herself entertained, she dragged Tarnish out from the living quarters to go find trouble. He'd been kind of sick lately and not interacting with them as much, but he was the only other sibling left who hadn't made it out before she'd awoken.

"Tar, c'mon," Calliope demanded as she pushed him forward from behind. Out onto the shore just as dark, ominous clouds came rolling in from the ocean. Of course, the vibrantly-colored girl ignored the threat of the storm. To her, it would just make their adventure that much more... adventurous! It doesn't take her long to practically shove her brother out to the water where a small raft is sitting. "Flurry tol' me there was treasure out on the islan'. Less try an' fin' it," Cal ushered her brother onto the raft with her following quickly after and paddled them across the short expanse of water.

Hail and rain began to trickle down from the sky as they made it to shore. Cal hopped off once she saw Tar was safe in the sand and began to wander across the sand and toward the dense shrubbery and trees that took up residence across the island. "She said it was s'pose to be towar' the center!" Her paws lift up high in an almost sort of skip as her tail waves excitedly behind her. The prospect of treasure excited the little gremlin a lot.

Hurrying up as the hail began to pelt their coats, she was soon distracted by the very loud noise of someone snarling and grunting. The added noise of paws and teeth tearing and scratching at the trees also caught her attention. Stopping to glance at Tarnish for a second, her eyes lit up. Calliope would not be one to run from the trouble! "Less check it out," Cal whispers to Tarnish and quickly sets off in the direction of the commotion. As she gets closer, she can see the large black wolf through the shadows. It's almost impossible to see the stranger through the pelting hail and dark skies. He looks mean and vicious though and something in Calliope grows eager and warm.

That feeling swells as she notices a pale pastel pup hiding among the roots of the tree in front of the enraged stranger. "SID!" Calliope screeches and boy, that probably wasn't a good idea. Suddenly, the beast of a wolf turns on her and Tarnish. "Leave her alone, ya daft idiot!" Cal yells at the guy as her hair bristles and her lip pulls up in a warning snarl. As the stranger lunges forward toward her, Calliopes dives to the side and wiggles her way under the gnarled roots of a nearby tree. Turning around as the wolf goes to bite her, she swipes at his nose with her paw, practically punching him right in the nostril. He lets out a disgruntled growl and continues to try and get at her through the roots.

Calliope, The Callous

wc: 566, total: 1177

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. Excuse Me, Do You Know Who We Are? Dove Island Archipelago 08:42 AM, 09-15-2023 09:32 PM, 11-01-2023