
The most unassuming trespass to ever happen

Wicked + company


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
09-18-2023, 01:15 PM

Tenshi was not accustomed to Erik following her around, but she supposed it would be good for the boy. He needed to have a firm motherly presence in his life and if Sedna wouldn't provide, then she would. Plus if the boy stayed close to her, she could monitor the gaping wound on his neck that refused to heal. Or the boy prevented it from healing, either way. She was happy to have the boy tag along with this rather... minor trespassing adventure. Not far into the land, Tenshi can see the cluster of Boneset that she had seen on previous walks while patrolling the border. As she began to head in its direction, her nose caught the scent of someone who smelled strongly of Elysium's scent.

Stopping as soon as she heard the voice, Tenshi turned and presented Avacyn with a gentle smile and a bow of her head. She also leaned over to nudge Erik with her paw, motioning with her muzzle to follow her lead. It would be good for him to learn some manners when around other leaders. As her gaze moves from the boy to Avacyn, she notices that the girl is young and beautiful, but something... lingers that Tenshi can't quite put her finger on. "Greetings, Matriarch, I am Tenshi Trygg," not officially, but Vidarr had proposed and that was good enough for her, "The boy has an injury to his neck that I believe Boneset would do some good on. I apologize for not requesting someone at the border. I noticed a cluster of Boneset not far into your territory and was hoping to grab some and then be on our way," Her smile never wavers as she speaks as fluidly as she can with her thickly accented voice.

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1. The most unassuming trespass to ever happen The Rock Garden 04:26 PM, 09-17-2023 11:49 PM, 11-07-2023