
You have goat to be kiddin me



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-18-2023, 09:10 PM

Deluge had given Charlie hope to see his brother again, even with the bad blood between her current pack and his. He gave a grateful nod. “Thank you, Deluge, truly. I’ll be sure to let the others know before I make the trip, just in case any of them may want to tag along with me. They deserve to be able to talk with Dread too.” She would mention a trade or transport sort of band and Charlie arched a brow, curious. “Depending on how much you guys could get transported, that could potentially be a profitable business.” Though he was kind, he wasn’t quite naive enough to believe that their existence would be solely peaceful. After all, the femme had already mentioned how raiding could be fun. And she wasn’t wrong… there would be nothing to protect if no one stirred up trouble, right? Balance in all things.

Her next comment caused Charlie to chuckle softly. “Oh yeah?” Still, she must have put up a pretty good fight to stand up against his dad. His smile would fade as he focused on the volcano, growing quiet as his thoughts began to creep in. He wanted to trust Deluge, he wanted to trust Dread, but he also wanted to hear his father’s side of things too. And maybe he’d learn about the history between their packs. Still, he hoped that maybe things could be less intense between them moving forward. For the next generation, a slate wiped clean as Deluge put it. Maybe he was too optimistic… but if one didn’t have hope for the future, what did they have?

Deluge’s voice would draw him back out of his thoughts and he’d focus on the femme again. He would dip his head to the other yearling, offering a smile. “Until next time. Keep Dread distracted for me, would you? I’d like to see him with a smile when I come to visit.” Charlie would rise, head turning back in the direction of the Armada. “See you around, Deluge. Try not to get in too much trouble until then, alright?” And with that the yearling began to pick his way back down. He needed to head to the beach, get his thoughts straight and then seek out his dad. Then he’d figure out when he might want to make the trip to see Dread.

-Exit Charlie-

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. You have goat to be kiddin me Atlantis Island 09:44 PM, 09-05-2023 06:16 AM, 11-05-2023