


11-01-2013, 12:32 PM

Two things happened at once. The woman turned her crown, taking note of her surroundings, preparing to return to the den, but a raging oddly marked woman raced towards her. Eyes widened, defenses slide into place, her chin tucked against her throat, ears fell back tightly against her scalp, eyes narrowed. Her tail tucked briefly. She had no time to turn and face the woman head on. She spread her legs wider, bending them at the knee to lower her center of balance. Next she caught sight of black mass galloping towards them. Obsidian. She didn't have time to process anything else. Hips swung out, causing the woman to collide with the flat part of her shoulder rather than ramming her(Satis) shoulder blade into her side. The collision knocked her back a few steps, she kept herself relaxed, allowing to move with her adversary. Marked jaws aimed straight for the pales woman's throat. A vicious snarl ripped from pale jaws. She was a Healer dammit! She should not be getting attacked!

Shoulders had rolled forward, pushing extra flesh around the sides of her neck, hackles raised along her neck and back. She felt fangs pierce the fatty fleshy long the side of her neck, a growl slide from pale jaws as the pain spread. The woman was a few inches shorted than herself, but rayne was light, built for speed and agility. Jaws unhinged, skull turning in an attempt to grab a hold of the side of woman's face or her ear. She had a job to do! She couldn't waste time feeding a woman's ego in battle! Should her attack land, Hind legs moved back and out as the dame pulled the woman closer to her. Obsidian was coming to help, she wanted to keep the oddly marked bitch between herself and the horse, hoping to force her to submit or risk being trampled.

ATTACKS: jaws aimed to the grab to left? Side of Satis face or ear, she then stepped back to pull the woman closer, hoping to pin her between herself and Obsidian.

DEFENSES: chin tucked, ears folded back, eyes narrowed, legs widen and knees bent, tail tucked at first, shoulders rolled forward to add extra fatty flesh to the sides of her neck, hackles raised.

INJURIES: bruising to her left shoulder, bite to her neck

Rayne and Obsidian vs Satis for Dominance Round 1/3?