
I want to be there



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
09-19-2023, 05:20 PM
As Haydée gazes down at her tiny nephew, who is her father reborn, the girl feels emotions well up inside. They lodge like shards of glass in her throat, stealing away her voice as baby Gav speaks of a lady he cannot find. The gentle smile that has been on her lips falters and its brilliance fades as she listens intently while understanding and sympathy come to rest in the lines of her face. At his voiced plea to find and help the lady, Hay realizes she cannot speak due to the lump of raw emotions wedged firmly in her throat.

Leaning forward, she reaches down toward Gav to offer him a lovingly nuzzle on his dark cheek. Even in his new life, the kindness that had been an integral part of her father, shines on. She nuzzles his cheek to buy herself some time because she cannot speak yet and she feels the hot prick of tears beginning. When she steps back, there is no mist in her eyes but the kindness that has been in her green gaze is amplified. Finally, she finds her voice and says, “Okay, Gav. I am your aunt, Haydée and I know who you are talking about. Why don’t you follow me? There is something I want to show you.”

With that, she beckons the boy to follow her and leads him through the twisting tunnel to her mother’s den. It stands empty since Bellamy is still in the Hallows receiving treatment but she moves inside without a second thought. She does not stop until she is at her mother’s bed and she promptly sits before turning to help Gav to climb onto the furs with her. Once he is comfortable, the girl gently explains, “The woman you remember visiting you? That is my mother, your grandmother, Bellamy of Foi. She is a tall, strong woman and you are correct, she was sad.”

A paw lifts to gently brush along Gav’s forehead, the need to touch her father too overwhelming for her to ignore. The paw falls down, coming to rest overtop of one of his tiny paws as she continues on, “Bellamy needed to go get some help from the healers at the Hallows, a friendly pack we know, and that is where she is right now. Don’t worry Gav, she is safe and getting help and, I promise you, she is not alone.” Emerald gaze lingers on her father’s eyes as she finishes and she suddenly yearns to hug the small boy.

Instead, she turns her attention to the room around them and says, “This is Bellamy’s den and, when she comes back home, you may come here and spend as much time with her as you want. Okay?” Eyes then turn back to the boy and Haydée offers him a warn, bright smile as she watches him, hoping this have brought some piece of mind.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. I want to be there Lazuli Falls 06:18 PM, 08-06-2023 07:58 AM, 01-30-2024