
everything falls



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-01-2013, 12:48 PM
Epiphron and Maverick

It was not at all surprising that not a single wolf had been able to provide a detailed account of what had happened in the siege. Of course they hadn't -- those fighting had never returned, or hadn't been accounted for. It was knowledge that Bronze and Themisto had apparently been taken prisoner by Glaciem. With the kind of reputation that Glaciem was beginning to have, she wondered if they were safe.... or alive at all. It was frustrating to know she had failed Seracia; she remembered the conversation she'd had with Loccian. The woman had been unhappy with the decision to send her brother and two other wolves to fight, even though it had been their choice -- and she was wondering if they had made the right decision at all. Epiphron was surprised her brother and sister had not yet shown their faces here to talk to her. At the least, she hoped Syrinx would take responsibility for the wolves he had requested and subsequently lost, but so far there was no news from Valhalla.

And to add to the fear and anxiety that plagued her mind was something else. A secret she had yet to mention to Maverick. At first she had wondered if she was simply being paranoid, that she was imagining things. But the growing life inside her belly was anything but fictional, and it was startling when she finally realized and accepted that she was, in fact, pregnant again. For the second time this year. And not even in her breeding season.

Jesus christ, was all she thought think. She'd have to tell Maverick before it became painfully obvious, and yet she couldn't help but feel guilty for not feeling more excited. They'd been so unprepared last time, and yet exhilarated -- but now she simply felt dread and worry.

And so it was with the faintest bit of hesitation that she rose and made her way toward Maverick as his call echoed over the lands. His scent was strong and easy for her to follow, and it took no more than a few minutes for her to reach him. With obvious affection, despite the bit of a toll that their relationship had been taking the last few weeks, she moved to embrace him, pressing her cheek against his own. "I am glad you called," she started, her voice softly. "I have been needing to talk to you as well."