


11-01-2013, 02:12 PM

The Seige had been more than disappointing. The woman Abelinda had promised him that there would be plenty of bloodshed and gore, but there was hardly such a thing. The wolves there weren't looking to kill each other and rip each other limb from limb, they just wanted to take down as many of the opposing side as possible, which was pretty fucking stupid if you asked Demyan. He had managed to sink his teeth into a few wolves, but he hadn't been given the chance to actually rip them limb from limb or strangle them with their own trachea. So the behemoth left. He didn't give a fuck if the woman Abelinda became angry with him. She told him there would be bloodshed, and the pathetic seige she'd brought him to was far from it. It had been a waste of his time, although he had enjoyed getting some fresh blood on his tongue.

The titan and his leopard companion walked silently side by side, blood still dripping from the beasts' jaws, salmon tongue occasionally reaching out to swipe at the blood. He needed to kill another wolf. Or another creature. Anything with a pulse because that was the monster he was born to be. The strong scent of blood caught the man's attention, limbs pulling the behemoth to a stop, velvety nostrils quivering as his skull dipped downwards, cyan gaze falling on the tiny dots of blood that littered the earth. Someone was injured. A bloodthirsty grin would twist the man's features as he raised his head, tail flicking with interest at his hocks. Nickolai slunk forward, his tiny whiskers twitching as he took his own examination of the blood, coral tongue peeking out to taste the blood. Female. He would state simply, gaining a nod from Demyan as the titan pressed forward once more, Nickolai easily keeping pace, spotted tail swaying behind him. This was about to get interesting.

It didn't take him long to find the owner of the blood, her ivory figure clearly visible inside the crystalline water. A cocky strut would bring the man towards the edge of the water, his feline companion retreating to the closest tree, scaling it within seconds to perch himself on a sturdy branch, tail hanging idly from one side, golden gaze intent on his larger companion. Clumsy much? He taunted as he stood at the edge of the water, his toes brushing against the cool liquid, posture relaxed yet confident as he waited for the girl to turn towards him.

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