
Tending The Wounded


11-01-2013, 02:51 PM
She followed after Viridiana, only stopping to uncover a stash of herbs that she had dried during the summer and hidden in Western lands. Dried chamomile and rosemary for topical wounds that these wolves would surely have, as well as a bit of lavender to calm those that were nervous because of the ongoing fighting. It was a mouthful to carry, and she had to keep a close eye on Viri while she went along, but she would manage. Luckily for her, her kin was easy to spot, her dazzling red fur was so pretty against any backdrop. Nearing Valhalla's borders, the healer would stop, her eyes wide just from the sounds coming from the battlefield. It was horrible - this was far worse than she had imagined.

Why had Isardis attacked this pack? She had never heard of it causing any trouble, it had allied itself with Amenti back when she was a member... yet political matters were not what she had come here to think over or discuss. She would dip her head as the red female introduced she and Zara, calmly looking over the little gathering of healers and injured. The albino watched for any sign of direction, only to focus in on a white lupine that seemed to be in charge here. Io quickly deducted that she was the lead healer in Valhalla and perhaps that sharpness wasn't squared in to medicine alone. 'Friction?' She had not heard the name in a long time, but he was family, and she was beyond curious as to whether he was here or not. The albino would nod in return to the woman's statement - unable to answer with her mouth stacked carefully full of herbs.

Another ivory fae would lead she and the other Tortugans to their dens, and she would watch as Erani started tending to a dark female that didn't really smell of a pack, but managed to be injured in this war. Gently she would place her addition to the stash of remedies that all of the healers here had, and afterward when her mouth was less full she would look to the wolves here and wait for a moment where she could be of service. "Sir." She would answer back to him, instantly smelling the blood and cueing in on his leg. "There are quite a few of us here, you do not need to wait here." He was cleaning it, she would tend to it if he let her.

Someone would pass her with herbs in his mouth though - a male with a peculiar marking on his forehead. She would follow him, standing somewhat behind him, but in the injured male's sights. Io would stay out of his way and assist if she could. If not, she was sure there would be other wolves that would find their way here.