
who's turn is it to save who now?




Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
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Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
09-20-2023, 07:26 PM

His nose across her shoulder sends an electrifying feeling through her. Every hair feels as if it is alive and on fire. Her breath catches in her throat for a moment as she almost blanks on what they're talking about. What would she like? What was he asking? Delphi blinks before her brain reboots itself. She lets out a "tch" noise and wrinkles her nose playfully at him. "I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it," she retorts before rolling her eyes again. Gosh, why did he have to go asking dumb questions? If Delphi was anything, she was honest. Maybe a little too honest sometimes.

The next brush of his nose with the added lick has her feeling all sorts of jumbled. At a loss for words, she's unsure what to do. How to act. How to respond. Would her parents care? Had she really given that a thought? Not really. They were busy. Sure, they loved her more than anything, but they had other things to care about. She was the last thing she wanted to bother them about. Another "tch" noise comes out of her as she looks away and wrinkles her nose again. "Of course, they wouldn't mind. They'd probably be happy to have their own den back again," Delphi feels bad saying this. She knows it's wrong. Her parents would do anything for her or her siblings. She frowns and looks back at Strai.

"No, I'm sorry. They definitely would mind. I just..." Delphi sighs and looks at him with those big eyes once more. "I'm just so small and insignificant that I don't like bothering them. Mama and Mumma Cy are kind of not okay and Da is struggling to take care of them and the other pups. They even sent one of my brothers off to live with our gramma for a while," admitting this personal information is difficult for her. "I's why Vidarr has been kinda keepin' on me lately. Alleviate some stress off their shoulders while they get better," her voice gets quiet as she looks away and puts her chin back on top of his paws. Sniffling, she holds back the emotions that overwhelm her. She'd rather drop it and just enjoy his company, but if she couldn't be vulnerable with him... Then what were friends for?

"Delphi" & "Strai"

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1. who's turn is it to save who now? Rustling Thicket 06:44 PM, 09-13-2023 08:31 PM, 10-22-2023