
Feel the Reveling



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

09-20-2023, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2023, 09:00 PM by Mariah. Edited 1 time in total.)

Malico didn’t disappoint. The yearling brute was quick to join her, with a questioning glance, but with a glint of excitement. Readily questioning just what kind of surprise she had lured him out with. “A fantastic one.” Mariah quickly answered, offering a mischievous grin before continuing on in a more detailed description. “How would you … like to accompany me … on an adventure?” She asked, searching his expression for any indication of an initial response. Mariah was beaming with excitement- she couldn’t hardly stand it. Not that she was necessarily eager to abandon her family, but the opportunity to be independent, and to make her own choices was enthralling.

As she let her initial question soak in, she went on to explain the nature of their adventure. “Our beloved sister is going to arrange for me to mentor with some of our allies- since there isn’t a surplus of resources for me here. She mentioned I could likely visit Ashen, the Hallows, and possibly Valta.” Though, that explained why she was leaving. It was an easy transition as to why she requested her brother’s accompaniment. “But, I can’t go alone. So I need you to come with me.” She concluded, implying that she wasn’t going to give him an opportunity to refuse her. The thought of leaving Malico behind did frustrate her a bit. But Avacyn’s gentle reminder that she wouldn’t force their brother to go if he didn’t want to, came to mind. It was difficult for her to relinquish that control, but in the end, decided she would give him the opportunity to refuse … even if it was a big mistake. “I think it will take quite a while to make the rounds.” Mariah started. “I suppose … if you wanted to escort me there and back, and return to Alias Island in the meantime … you could …” she said, trying to convey her imminent disappointment at the idea. “but I think it would be far more fun if you stayed with me.” She quickly added with a broadened grin and a gentle nod- anything she could try and offer up to influence his response. “And, I bet you could find mentors as well.”

She hadn’t realized she had leaned forward in her effort of trying to convince him. But when she realized she had, she made no move to correct herself. “What do you think?” Mariah asked blinking that sterling gaze of hers. How could he possibly tell her no?

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. Feel the Reveling Alias Island 07:27 PM, 09-12-2023 08:54 PM, 11-25-2023