
Together by Choice

Varu seeking to join Khranbari in Valta


09-21-2023, 10:40 AM
They traveled through the dense forestry. Grass soon becoming smoother from years of being worn down from Valta’s inhabitants. His steps not once faltering and he chose not to speak anymore for the time being.

Varushka’s presence made him unknowingly shudder. He’d missed her. Truly. Honestly. He was never a man to believe in love at first sight. Thought the mere idea of it was a shroud of bullshit. Yet here he was pondering on if this was it. Khranbari couldn’t quite understand why her of all females. In his time of living, he had come across a few. Some even willing to throw themselves at him without hesitation. All of them easily turned away or dismissed. Their advances annoying him to the tenth degree beyond his patience.

A low, inaudible growl at the memory slipped his lips. Not wanting Varushka to think he was doing so towards her.

Khran pulled away from his thoughts. Taking note that they now neared the center of Valta. "This area contains our storages. From meat to furs." He nodded in their general direction. Both dens fully stocked for the moment. Though he knew there would be time to hunt again. The wolves here ate a lot. Him being one of them.

He didn’t wait long for her to see them fully. Khran was tired and needed to go see Asla before the day came to a complete end. That wretched small woman did this on purpose and he surely would say his fill. Not caring of the consequences to come. He was finding his voice more and more between Varushka and Asla. Which didn’t feel like a bad thing to him. If anything it just. Felt. Weird.

"Here are the dens. This one is mine." Khran wandered the short distance until they came across a large opened mouth. The entrance littered with the coat of the bear he and Athena killed. It’s black pigment lead towards another grizzly whose fur was a tiny bit lighter. "You can make yourself comfortable. I have some business to attend to." The word spoken through clenched teeth as he made his way around her. Lightly brushing against her, Khranbari stopped. Nose intruding on the furs of Varushka’s side to inhale her scent. Before running off in direction of Asla. Leaving the earthen woman to do what she may please.

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1. Together by Choice Sunset Falls 07:21 PM, 09-05-2023 05:17 AM, 11-13-2023