
everything falls


11-01-2013, 03:50 PM

He continued to pace as her ivory frame neared him, barely even recognizing it was her who drew near. He was startled slightly by her sudden touch, and recoiled only an inch before pressing back into her warm cheek. It was silly, really. He'd called for her, shouldn't he have anticipated her swift arrival? The man began to fret again, knowing all of this was taxing on his mind. He breathed a deep, ragged sigh - feeling altogether like a pathetic nothing of a man. ?Why don't you start, then..? he would murmur in a gentle voice. It wasn't as if he knew where to begin, so why not let her say her piece first? Mind began to wander as to what it was she would ask him, what she needed to discuss with him. He suspected it was something to do with their children, or perhaps a pack member - maybe she'd even heard about the two they thought to be taken by Glaciem. Whatever the case, Maverick hoped it wasn't as dreary as what he had to tell her - the thoughts running through his head. Head craned upward to tug gently on her ear, intent upon calming himself by her very presence - if nothing else.
