
Time is Ticking



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
09-22-2023, 08:03 PM

Traversing the Northern lands of Boreas wasn’t ideal in winter, but Rivin wasn’t known for always making the best of decisions, now was she? Sure she was trying to get better at that, but even she was questioning what she was doing here. What on earth was she hoping to even find? Well, that was a simple enough answer. While the selection of plant life was severely limited in the coldest season of the year there was one that seemed to prefer the harsher temperatures, and Rivin had gathered a small bit of it after descending the steeper terrain into the tundra below. That plant was holly, the leaves known for helping aid coughs, fevers, and chest congestion. With it being winter in Boreas, and the plant not growing currently in the island home of the Raiders, Rivin knew she had to collect what she could. She was worried for those she was closest to but, bit by bit, she was warming up to the others, like Scald… They hadn’t been able to find much feverfew in Auster that wasn’t completely drowned, so holly was the next best bet.

Rivin hadn’t considered how vast the landscape was however, and she had a few hours to not only find more of the herb she sought, but to find shelter for the night before the temperatures plummeted. It wasn’t like she could make her way back up the difficult terrain right now anyway. Getting caught within the cliffs when night came, or heavens forbid snow and night, it would lead to her death. She had been lucky enough the first time that Calico Jack had heard her. And while she had given him a heads up that she was heading North, she hadn’t been specific. They might never find her here. What a… pleasant thought. The yearling gave a snort, a burst of white air leaving her nostrils. She really was quite negative. It could be annoying at times, and since her talk with Gilgamesh… she’d become more conscientious of her negative emotions. Funny how having someone who cares about you could get you to shift your ways. She could only hope that she might be able to help Diablo too. While she didn’t necessarily frown on her brother’s actions, there was a part of Rivin who worried for him. Would he get in more trouble than he could handle?

A airy cough ahead would draw Rivin’s attention and her ears perked forward. Huh, that didn’t sound good. She hadn’t caught any other scents yet, so maybe whoever was here was trying to mask theirs? Without fear Rivin moves the scattered trees and foliage, letting her green gaze sweep the landscape before falling upon a femme. She was smaller than Rivin was, but then again she was a bit of a towering woman thanks to her father’s genetics. The antlered yearling wore a thoughtful frown, snow at her paws crunching as she stopped and let her weight settle down. “Pretty risky place to be pausing out in the open with a cough like that…” Rivin stated the obvious. Her thoughts shifted to the holly in her bag. It was for the Raiders but… well… if this female decided she wasn’t going to be hostile maybe she could see about giving it up to help her out. Didn’t smell like she was part of a pack or anything. “If you give me your word you’re not going to attempt to maul me, I’d be willing to give you a paw.” But would the other woman trust her? It wasn’t like the Raiders had the best reputation, even if this one was working on becoming a healer as well as a fighter.


Words: 618
Total Word Count: 972

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. Time is Ticking The Polar Sound 04:03 PM, 09-15-2023 11:55 PM, 10-13-2023