
Work it Out


11-01-2013, 07:29 PM

She would allow the smug smile to increase in width across her ebony lips as the woman confirmed rather physically that she was indeed fancied by the Re. Ah, it was good to know that she had been correct in her assumptions, for it was quite pitiful and disgraceful to be wrong. She might not freely admit it, but she found herself admiring the golden lass, and her ability to keep her emotions under wraps. Rather silently they seemed to have both agreed to this competition of letting as little information slide past their lips as possible - and Sendoa would happily compete with the woman for whatever the prize might be. 'Only a trophy, Sendoa? You are more than that..' A compliment, that had not been expected, and yet - in some ways it had. ?Am I, though? I am nothing more than an object being fought over by a man with the possessiveness of a child, and a child with the pride and determination of a man.? That was truly a good description of them, was it not? The tip of her tail tapped the earth idly as she contemplated these things. She blamed herself for the way Isardis was - she'd raised him for the most part, after all. It had been she telling him stories, she giving him everything he could ever want, she spoiling him rotten to the core. It was her fault and she knew it. Face would remain stony, the smile having long since been etched away. ?And when I am not a trophy, I am a means to win another - perhaps more alluring - prize.? She would tag this afterthought on for good measure. She was nothing, despite what both of them said. They fought over her only to keep the other from having her - it was a game of possession.. a game she could never hope to win.
