
fish for dinner!

birna - seasonal



Master Hunter (249)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
09-23-2023, 10:43 AM

Birna nodded as Irving explained that he hoped to catch some fish before the weather turned worse. "That was my thinking exactly. I wonder what is driving them to collect along the coast. Not only that but a large number seem to be pushing inland. It's not the time of year I'd expect such a migration." She shook her head with a sigh. She really wanted to know the cause but hunger was driving her to get her fill. She'd just have to keep her senses peeled for if the weather turned suddenly sour.

"What are you working on there?" She gestured with a paw toward Irving's basket before settling down along the banks of the inlet where water and fish were rushing from the ocean into the river. She kept a close eye on the fish as they swam, a number shifting to try and avoid the rocks that pressed in on the river's shore, creating a narrow passage for them to pass through. It wasn't long before one leapt from the water to try and bypass the crowd only for Birna to strike out with her lightning fast paws. The electroshock paralyzed the fish while her claws pierced it, enabling her to swipe it onto shore with little resistance. In a moment she was on it, her fangs ripping out the gills as she pulled it further from shore.

"I sure hope we can get our fill before the bears show up. I'm sure you've noticed the scent." Birna placed a paw on the fish and looked up, glancing around for a moment just to make sure they were free of larger competition. She then set to eating. Birna would sate her hunger first before gathering more fish to preserve. She'd been practicing smoking and drying meat over a fire and found it a useful method to keep food with her on a journey. The one trick was not attracting other predators by carrying food with her. That she was still working on. Smoking the fish seemed to cut down on this as most animals were deterred by the smell of smoke and fire but in the spring when bears emerged ravenous she found she needed something better to hide the scent.



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1. fish for dinner! Aspen Dam 01:51 PM, 09-06-2023 02:54 PM, 10-24-2023