
better with you


11-01-2013, 09:38 PM

How long can we keep this up?

The dame didn't like it. She wasn't happy, but if Ezra, her beloved mentor had taught her anything, it was, sometimes you have to put your patients over yourself. Not everyone got to be happy. She had learned that valuable lesson in life. If everyone was happy, then happiness effectively wouldn't exist. She supposed the pain she felt in heart, was worth it, if it served the greater good? She let out a sigh, trying to shut her pain down. Trying to silence the voice in her mind, she could do both. She could be happy and care for those under her. She could.

I'll make sure to keep my distance...

His words came as a shock to her. Did he really understand her obligations to those under her care? Her jaws parted slightly, a shocked sigh escaping her. Her eyes widened slightly, at the last bit of his words. The death of Isardis... she hadn't even considered, but she was a healer, a fighter of death. Did some deserve not to be fault for, for their crimes? Had he really committed a 'crime' per-say or had he just trod on some unfortunate toes? Her head tilted slightly to the left, her mind slipping off to think on that.

i'm the ghost of a girl, that I want to be most

She looked at Seraphim, considering everything he had said to this point. Her breath came out softly, her words holding a tint of a question. "I could.. ask Isardis if I could leave..?" She spoke aloud, thinking more to herself than actually suggesting the slightly absurd idea. She'd never just walk away... would she? Golden eyes, searched for green, as she tried to grasp an idea, tried to come up with something, if anything that she could do.

i can't decide, if i'll let you save my life, or if i'll drown..

"Why is this so hard?" She would ask in a whisper, wondering if the pallid brute would actually have an answer for her. Standing there alone, in the fall breeze, she shivered, actually feeling the cold, and the loneliness she felt. To do what was right or to be happy? Why couldn't she simply choose both?
