
At home in your arms




Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
09-24-2023, 10:56 PM

Well, if Mojito didn't feel like he was throwing the freckled man to the lions. Had he just freed Satoru to leave him to flounder in a world he knew barely anything about? The silence that stretched on felt heavy, oppressive, like it had settled in his lungs. It gave him the chance to really process what he'd said, and that didn't help his growing anxiety. His face was quickly flushing and he found he had to drop his gaze. Mojito knew he had jumped the gun, their time together had been scarce enough. He'd always known he couldn't let himself get too comfortable with anyone he didn't know, it was always too easy for them to suddenly turn on him, to remind him that there would always be one set of rules for them and another for him; and yet he'd also always been easy to win over. It was deceptively simple and yet few enough wolves had bothered to do it. Maybe it meant he fell too easily, but could anyone blame him for seeking out what little feelings of desirability he got? But that didn't mean he thought of the notion of love so cheaply, though he'd probably said it too early, maybe even too easily, that didn't make it any less true. Which made the silence worse.

Finally the man in front of him spoke, words that mostly served to confuse him at first; enough so that it drew his gaze back to Satoru. Uh, Nao. It took his mind a painfully slow time to process what he was being told, it was only when he was being pulled into the freckled man that things seemed to click. "Nao." He whispered, feeling the man's name as he said it. "Nao." He said the man's name again, and again and again as Nao gently planted kisses. Enjoying it each time he said it. "I want to be with you for the rest of my days." Mojito's stomach fluttered, the last time he'd felt like this had been that day on the beach when he'd first kissed Asla, a life time ago. He wrapped his free foreleg around Nao and held him so so tight. "I've spent so long thinking about you, but I couldn't let myself hope." As he spoke he gently laid kisses along Nao's cheek, the underside of his jaw, trailing randomly with no real plan he was simply letting his instincts, his emotions guide him. "But somehow this, right now, is better than any fantasy I could have come up with." Maybe he was being dramatic, maybe he was being too emotional but fuck! He'd spent so much of his life wanting to feel like this, he deserved to just be in the moment dammit! The few glimpses of it he'd gotten in his youth from Asla had left him hungry, all too aware of what he was missing. Yes he wanted Nao in a more carnal way but he also wanted him in a way he couldn't even begin to explain. That said he was very aware they might need to move themselves to a more private location.

Mojito & Nao

Art by MarkLix
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

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1. At home in your arms Sunset Falls 11:57 PM, 09-05-2023 12:39 AM, 07-03-2024