
Where Do I Go From Here?


11-01-2013, 10:07 PM

Lost. Again. Well, no big surprise there. Not for her, anyway. Oh, the woes of the directionally impaired. A long, suffering sigh escaped Felicitas? narrow maw as her ebony coat brushed up against the low hanging willow branches. Their fronds swayed to and fro in an ethereal dance alongside with the breeze. The angle of the midday sun only added to the splendor, bathing some trees in light, and others in shadow. If she was truly forsaken to yet another day of aimless wandering, at least she was to be graced with an abundance of nature?s beauty. Her mother had once told her there was a silver lining to all things. Mayhaps this tranquil place was hers?

Blue eyes strained to see through the ever moving walls of green. Was that water she smelt? Murky and mixed with the earthy tang of mud; a lake, then. It was only after several more minutes of walking that her ears managed to pick up the croaking of frogs. Yes, a lake for sure. Either that or her not-so-up-to-par senses were pulling tricks on her. It certainly wouldn?t be the first time.

"Well, isn?t this nice." She mused, a faint smile gracing her face as she finally arrived near the lake?s shore. It was a moderately sized body of water, its surface teeming with lily pads and a handful of the season?s last frogs. No doubt they would be in hibernation within the next few days. Already ice was forming around the lake?s rim, still too thin and flakey to spread too far. Was the temperature beginning to drop that low already? Thank the gods for winter coats.

"Looks like another afternoon lounging about." She huffed as she reclined against the trunk of a nearby willow, head placed neatly atop her forepaws. The life of a loner was a difficult one, especially in times like these. She could still recall winters spent huddled up amongst her family, all of them chattering away as they became so entangled you couldn?t tell where one ended and the other began. Even as some passed away or left to start new lives, she had always had someone with her during the harshest season. This time, things were different. The fae didn?t like it one bit. Maybe it was finally time for her to find a new home? Start a new family? Put an end to her loneliness, at least. Yes, that did sound quite nice. But where to begin? There were so many packs, all varying in drastic ways. What was a lass to do?