
So uh, good news, bad news




Master Healer (256)

Intermediate Navigator (45)


3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
09-25-2023, 02:36 PM
Cryptis' gentle pats on his paw felt so warm somehow and he managed a less strained smile down at her. Though it wouldn't stay too long. A form, probably Medusa approached them and Marshal flew lower to hear whatever exchange was about to occur. Medusa couldn't have been even an inch taller than he was and yet Crux couldn't help but feel like she was looming over him, even though there was space between them. Her question felt like it was aimed at Triss and he grimaced. "I'm sorry." He started both trying to preempt the skull faced woman telling him the question hadn't been for him but also because frankly he was, he hated that this had been the outcome of what had simply been a benevolent action on the girl's part. "I'm afraid I'll have to answer any questions you have, there's been some complications." Did that sound bad? It hadn't sounded quite so bad in his head but out loud now he felt like it sounded so much worse.

"There was a storm this morning and it caused some flooding." Some was an understatement but he wasn't going to tell Medusa just how extensive the flooding had been he was going to give as little information as possible. "I- I'm not a particularly strong swimmer." Crux lifted his right foreleg to let Medusa see the crystals growing from his right hind leg; he wasn't sure if the woman knew of Crytpis' own crystal growths but he was allowing himself to show his own weakness to the woman to try and make it clear he was no threat. "I ended up trapped in my den and I guess Cryptis must have heard me calling for help." He turned to look at her then, his expression softening slightly as he gave a soft smile down at the girl. She had saved his life. "She was... Amazing, without her I believe I would have drowned." That was also true, not only had her rope helped him but despite his own wish that she hadn't risked herself like that Crux did have to admit it had been a very brave thing to do. He put his focus back on Medusa and his smile dropped, expression becoming sombre. "But, uh..." Crux cleared his throat awkwardly. "Cryptis swallowed a lot of flood water." Another understatement, he didn't want to tell Medusa she'd passed out while under the water, that wasn't an event that was his to tell by his estimation. "We think it aggravated her throat and right now... she... can't talk." Crux trailed off, gaze dropping to his paws. "I- I do not have the knowledge needed to help her voice return." His voice told of his exhaustion, and the low simmering distress he held for what had happened to his little saviour.

"We, we uh, thought it was a good idea to make sure Cryptis got home safely and to make sure you know about her current condition." He didn't like talking about Crytpis like this, right in front of her, it felt too familiar to him; it was amazing how others seemed to think that since one of his legs didn't work, his ears didn't either. He'd lifted his gaze again as he'd spoken but there was no confidence in him, he mostly was watching. He could only hope that in the moments he hadn't been looking at Cryptis she'd been agreeing in whatever way she thought fit, it sounded all too much like a convenient excuse even to him, and he'd lived it, nearly died it too.  


Art & Code © Rex 2022
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.

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1. So uh, good news, bad news Dancefloor of the Gods 07:58 PM, 09-22-2023 06:33 AM, 04-11-2024