
So uh, good news, bad news




Intermediate Healer (45)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Extra small
09-25-2023, 04:25 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2023, 11:07 PM by Cryptis. Edited 2 times in total.)

The moment Medusa appeared, Triss bounced forward and kissed her Godmother's cheek. She did love the older woman who was as much a second mum to her… but she was also pulling out all the stops. She was worried about how the news would be received, and she didn't want Crux getting into trouble. His father seemed to think there would be, and she wasn't sure why. After greeting Medusa, she stepped back to Crux's side. Her eyes moving from Medusa to Crux as they spoke. When her Alpha asked why she was with the Armada boy, she tilted her head to the side as she tried to figure out how to communicate what she needed - but she didn't have to.

Here was where Crux stepped up, and she listened as he spoke for her. Starting with an apology for why he had to do the talking. Her eyes were mostly on Medusa, seeing how the other woman was taking this news. She frowned when Crux explained his inability to swim and showed his disability. She knew how he felt about that. He saved me first! She wanted to say, and her eyes blazed a little with her desire to speak and she opened her mouth. "---" this was going to get very old very fast. She huffed, and realised she didn't know how to mime out the rescue he had pulled on her. She tapped Crux on the paw, and pointed to her throat, and then gave an exaggerated gasp of breath, and then tapped his paw more vigorously. Tell her! 

But he was still in the middle of his own story, telling Medusa how she had rescued him. She didn't think she'd been that heroic. She hadn't realised how high the water would rise, and when she had choked on the rope in that flooded den she very likely would have taken them both down with her. But Crux and his companion had gotten them out (she still didn't know that his brother had stepped in) he moved on to her injury, and she nodded her head and opened her mouth in case Medusa wanted to pair in. Her godmother knew of course about the crystals and the asthma. She had helped raise Triss, and some of those memories had trickled back in over time.  She rested her paw on Cruxs and met Medusa's eyes. Trying to convey that they were on the same side. That she trusted Crux.


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1. So uh, good news, bad news Dancefloor of the Gods 07:58 PM, 09-22-2023 06:33 AM, 04-11-2024