
So, Gather 'Round And Run Your Mouths

Diablo, Rivin, Aresenn


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
09-25-2023, 08:35 PM

Diablo answered first, though Ignis more or less brushed him off. His answer was simple, and although Diablo was admitting that he had no damn clue what he was doing, Ignis shook his head. "At least you admit you didn't know what you were doing. And if you had come to train with me when I called for you, maybe you'd have figured it out." He growled. On several occasions he had summoned Diablo to practice, and every time the boy was nowhere to be found. Turning his attention to Aresenn, he listened quietly as his son explained his side. Both he and Rivin had lost to the same wolf? Perhaps that one had a great deal more training...if their opponent had managed to beat them back to back, it was likely the Tojo wolf was a great deal more experienced than they were.

But then Aresenn went on to explain he had been attacked by another wolf from Tojo-Kai, and as he was given a description, he scowled. "I know exactly who you're talking about." He growled. So the bitch was targeting his kids now? She was still salty about his keeping her around when he had taken his uncle's pack, it seemed. She hadn't tried very hard to get out from what he could remember, and he had pretty much completely forgotten about her when he let Incendium go. But now she was pushing herself back into his life, and she had made a grave mistake in attacking one of his own without provocation. "Tsunami. A cousin of mine, a kid from one of my half brothers. It seems she's still mad from when I took over my uncle's pack and kept her there. The fact she attacked you when she doesn't even know who you are tells me she isn't over it. So I suppose I'll be paying her a visit." He hissed. "You beat her though, so clearly whatever she had planned didn't go accordingly. Good job." He praised Aresenn, giving him a nod for a job well done. He never expected to hear of nor have anything to do with Tsunami again, but she seemed intent on trying to get some sort of revenge, even if it wasn't against himself.

“How about … not sending a bunch of yearlings into a raid with no training or experience, and expecting a different outcome than what we got?” He pursed his lips a bit. He hated to admit it, but...he made sense. "That wasn't my call to make. Had it been my choice, I would have had you three wait until the next one so that we could better prepare. But seeing as how Sparrow's the alpha, it was her call. Still, you have your experience of what a raid is like. As for why we're here? I respect Sparrow. I wasn't ready to lead my own pack, I tried. The pirate's morals are loose and still gives me the freedom to do as I please. So in the meantime, I stay." That was it. That was the main reason. He wasn't big on following orders from someone else, and he doubted other packs would put up with his abrasiveness and unpredictability. He would stay until he decided he was ready to take up leadership...something he had been heavily considering for some time now. was Rivin's turn. And she evidently had a a lot to say. She exploded in a fit of rage, chewing him out. In a way, she was right. He should have trained them. Should have taken it upon himself to do exactly what he was complaining about. But also, he didn't want to seem like he was overbearing. He wanted them to show initiative and come to him. Even if he was being a butthead and looking for when Rivin made mention of his ex-mate and the stolen child, he stood and snarled. "Your mother stole your brother away and I needed to try to find him! I would've done the same for each and every one of you here! I already fucked up with one litter, I am not keen on doing it again!" Hackles were raised along his back. He hadn't told them about their older brothers, but it didn't really matter to him. He and the older kids hadn't spoken for a long time, and the last time he'd seen one of them, he had tried to mangle him. "Clearly I failed in finding them, why the fuck do you think I'm here and trying to make sense of shit? Hm?" He wasn't sure what he was trying to make sense of anymore. Their training. Where they were in their abilities. His parenting. His trying not to fuck up. He had a feeling he already was fucking up, but he was far too prideful to admit as much.

“Yes… perhaps training your children would be best, wouldn’t it?” Gaze snapped to Rivin and he fixed her with a stare. Was that...was that...her? Her tone had changed...just a moment ago she was heated, and yet the tone of her voice sounded different all of a sudden. He narrowed his eyes, his good ear twitching. He glanced from one kid to the other, crimson gaze observing each and every one of them. He was heated. They were heated. He wanted them to do better. They wanted him to do better. He was too prideful to admit he had been in the wrong. And honestly, it was unlikely he would ever admit that. He growled again, closing his eyes for a few heartbeats. And when he opened them again, he was looking at things in a...different light.

"Welcome..." He growled, head lifting as he took a seat and sat up straight. "You are right. You all need to train so that your powers grow. We do not praise the weak. The weak are purged from our blood...and you three are no exception." His gaze snapped to Diablo. "You are blessed, and yet you are the most disappointing. You are lazy. Unmotivated. Your hubris knows no bounds. And if you do not get your act together, Apollyon, I will purge you." He hissed.

His gaze turned to Aresenn then. "You too, are blessed. Already you show promise, and you will succeed. You are naturally talented...we just need to harness your abilities...I have no doubts you will do great things."

Lastly, his gaze fixated on Rivin. "You show promise. Blessed be your blood, I am so glad you could join us. And you are right. At last, you've finally decided to show yourself, and might I say, bold of you to speak out. Since you have been the most outspoken in the matter, shall we begin with you? Let me see your strength!"

-Insert boss battle music-

-Impromptu fight training! Ignis' demon has now taken over! Each kiddo will go up against Ignis in a 1-2 round 1v1! Go as hard and as violent as you want! (I promise Ignis won't be mad if his kids try to take a chunk out of him, his kids are justified lol)


Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.

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1. So, Gather 'Round And Run Your Mouths Iko's Revenge 12:29 AM, 04-22-2023 04:44 PM, 05-12-2024