
Crashing down




Beginner Intellectual (0)

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5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - Lesbian
09-26-2023, 08:46 PM
((M rating because Faith is having a very bad trip, and this post will dip into some very big themes of Paranoia, identity crisis, loss of faith, addiction, drug abuse and hallucinations. Take care of yourself and avoid reading if any of those themes are bad for you, there will always be other threads. <3))

Faith should have known where she was, of that she was sure. That was the only thing she was sure of. She should have known where she was, and she didn't. That only added to her distress. Faith was absolutely not doing well. She'd dreamed after her visit with the statue and since then? Since then she'd gone back to floundering. It had been so long since what had been, by her estimation, her last true vision. There were still things she heard or saw but they had been fleeting, insubstantial and largely unhelpful. Honestly it left Faith feeling very untethered. Her whole life she'd known who she was, what she experienced and what it meant. It had been an integral part of who she was! Could she really have been blamed for turning to what she had? It had been mushrooms that had first given her the feeling of reconnecting with her visions. Or at least that's what it had felt like... But it hadn't been enough, she needed more, something stronger.

And so it went. Most days Faith chose to avoid sobriety because if she did then she'd have to grapple with too many things, feeling like she was loosing herself... Loosing her faith ironically enough. Was the fallen god abandoning her? Was he angry at her? Had the voices and the visions ever actually meant anything? Things she didn't want to spend any amount of her day dealing with. And soon enough it wasn't just her seeking relief that kept her coming back, she needed the feelings, the sights and sounds being high gave her.


Today? Today was different, everything was wrong! Faith didn't quite have the faculties to understand exactly what had happened, but whatever she'd been expecting from this trip... This wasn't it. Faith stumbled, bumping into one of the Willows as she did so. She screwed her eyes shut and grit her teeth against the noise! It was so loud! Hundreds if not thousands of voices all speaking over eachother at once, sounding like they were right next to her. Loud, confusing and unintelligible. The voices subsided for a moment and  Faith took what moment of peace she'd get to keep herself moving. Pontifex! That was who she needed but she'd managed to get herself all turned around and had no idea where she was. It didn't help she could swear she could see the trees shifting around. Like they were getting up and walking away. Never the ones immediately around her but in the distance, tall shapes moving on spider like roots. She needed Pontifex, he'd know how to fix this, how to help her. If only she could remember where she was... Faith was sure this was the right place she just couldn't grasp the memory of where she needed to be. Faith was absolutely certain she should know where she was.

She was wrong.

Faith had no reason to know this place, leaving her stumbling around as she braced against the rolling onslaught of voices and the shifting moving landscape that she was growing more and more convinced was doing that on purpose, to keep her trapped here!


Image by muryoko
Faith sometimes has visions (auditory and/or visual), she may react to them. They are not perceptible to others.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

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1. Crashing down Weeping Woods 08:46 PM, 09-26-2023 05:24 AM, 05-01-2024