
Mornings With Decisions [Demonio]


03-09-2013, 02:13 PM

Her mate was a creature of beauty and power. He captivated her with little more than a glance in her direction. He only need walk into her line of vision for her breath to catch and her heart to forget its normal rhythm. It just wasn't fair. He stretched, his joints popping into place and his muscles rippling with strength and she could find no strength to pull her gaze away. he was stunning, and he was all hers. It was impossible, but it was real. She let her head fall between her paws, her body sprawled among the soft grass as she observed him. She could watch him forever.

But alas, all good things must end and he came back to her, bathing her in kisses, of course for such a sweet embrace she certainly was not going to complain. Her audits flickered forward, catching his easy words as they fell from his maw. Her chest rumbled with the sound of contentment. This tranquility, this peace, she would die a happy wolf should she pass in his embrace. She watched him, as she always did as he circled around behind her. He collapsed behind her, a dull thud reaching her audits as his heavy body engulfed her own and his crown found her neck. She sighed, leaning back against him and turning her head down to press her nose to his own, sharing is breath, a smile curling her maw.

"You are incredible my heart." She murmured against his skin, her breath ghosting across his flesh. Her own pink tongue, gently scraped the skin just behind his nose."And I love you more than I can ever say. Shall we sleep until dawn?"

(((OOC: Time skip till morning? I'm thinking after this post we should do something where one of them get hurt? Spice things up with a bit of drama?)))
