
Saxe Adopts

looking for some heathens to run around with Sephiran



Toys for Tots
09-26-2023, 12:45 AM

NAME: Auriga Saxe
AGE: One year [turning two in Spring of Year 19]  
BIRTH SEASON: Spring of Year 17
GENDER. Female
SIZE: 36"

BUILD: Heavy

APPEARANCE: An ashy gray/black coat, with a dark mask. Auriga has the look of mud-stained shadows to her, with swathes of grey that sweep down from her spine to her chest. Her throat is marked with a near-pale grey, and this is the lightest color to be found on her body; the rest of her is much darker. Her eyes, bitter and amber, burn from within dark pits that sit about her sockets. She's hard to see in the night sky, and often smells of dust and dirt and blood. Auriga is not particularly pretty, nor is she particularly handsome; she is an average-looking woman, and sees no issues with this.

- will be using this design from the sheet. (if I win, just dm me the design lmao)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Auriga is the sort of woman who carries a code, but the code is one of supremacy and blood. Should she lose a fight, Auriga regards this loss as her own issue; she deserved it for her weakness. She believes, first in foremost, in the power of her family: the Saxe name is a name of blood and ruthlessness. She has no tolerance for softness, and a propensity towards bloodsport. Auriga loves to fight, and it is the thing that makes her feel most alive; a woman who can match her claw and fang is the woman she will love, and none other.

Those who are not Saxe are always and forever lesser than those who are. Her family is, to Auriga, the extreme height of power and success; she admires her brother Sephiran for his brutality, greatly apprecaites Cifarelli's cunning intellect and thieving ways, and always aims to please her parents. Auriga prefers the night; it is a time where she can coast easily, and has less worry about being seen. Notably, however, Auriga does not lie-- and this is not out of benevolence, but instead, due to a sense of ... impact. After all, if she tells the truth, when she confesses that she has intention to kill a wolf that she's alone with, the wolf will be horrified, because they'll know she's telling them the truth.

Auriga devotes herself to her work only if she feels it is worth her time. She's focused on herself and her self-improvement more than the aid of others-- unless, of course, the others are related to her in some way. A selfish woman, Auriga likes to see others squirm, for better or for worse; if she has more than you, she intends to hold on to as much of it as she can unless you truly debase yourself for it before her. The objects of her affection are often harried and snapped at if they do not accept her, but she loses interest quickly if such a target does want her. Auriga is not the sort to force a woman-- but she is the sort to make a woman bleed, should they not understand what she offers them with her strength. Her abhorrent admiration manifests itself in blood-stained teeth and gore-drenched gifts, but they are given with love.
If Auriga does fall in love with someone, that woman will be expected to be monogamous -- and if she isn't, Auriga will feel nothing about ripping out her throat, as the woman was unfaithful and thus not deserving of her, of the family blood.

Auriga is not overly sensitive about her gender identity. Those who seek to mock her identity will find, though, that she does expect them to be able to back themselves up with their claws; if they're not, she's liable to maim them and tear them apart for the sake of her own amusement. How dare they, if they cannot back up their words with actions?
SKILLS: Navigation & Fighting
PLOTS/PLANS: I plan on having her roam as a loner for a while and try to get her to start a band of like-minded ladies. I want to make a sort of Killer Queen band with her, even if it'll take a while to have occur officially. As Auriga is a trans woman, she is capable of having another woman bear her pups, and she will actively seek out strong fighters to use them to strengthen the bloodline out. Auriga, if she fails to create a Band, will seek out one of the more chaotic packs and join them. Insomnia and Elysium are both possible options. I'd like for her to be able to commit some murders with her siblings, too.