
Did you lose something



09-26-2023, 10:23 AM

Hanmel couldn't help the odd expression her face took on as the overly large skeleton wolf spoke. She kept talking in third person and it annoyed her to no end. Who talks like that? It took a great amount of self control not to ask this aloud. Turning her attention from the one called Medusa to Eraithus. She frowned in disappointment. He'd come here and made a life. Hanmel and their brother were left to fend for themselves. And yet, he hadn't even tried to search for them. If he did, he would have found her not so far from this place. "Did you not think to come looking for me? For us?" Her words broke free with hurt and betrayal. "I do not care that you made a home for yourself. What I do give a damn about is that you didn't come looking for me. But, here I am searching for you."

She'd asked him did he miss her and he ignored the question. Completely dismissed it. Okay. Fine. I tried playing the cute little sister. Fuck that. Her lips slid into a flash of fang at her older brother. "Yes. We indeed need to talk because I am utterly confused."

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1. Did you lose something Dancefloor of the Gods 06:38 AM, 09-01-2023 08:58 PM, 11-25-2023